I’m building a Yu-gi-oh deck, and I need opinions…?

My deck consists of the following cards:
Monsters: (total: 31)
Buster Blader x1
Launcher Spider x1
Man-Eater Bug x2
Nobleman Eater bug x1
Patrician of darkness x1
Jinzo #7 x1
Blue-Eyes White Dragon x1
Jigen Bakudan x1
Summoned Skull x1
Spirit caller x1
Mystical Elf x2
Mysterious Puppeteer x2
Dark Magician x2
Gravekeeper’s Curse x1
Battle Ox x1
Warrior Dai Grepher x1
Giant Sodier of Stone x2
Whiptail Crow x1
Ceremonial Bell x1
Griggle x1
Gray Wing x1
Wingweaver x1
Dark Blade x1
Celtic Guardian x1
Darkfire Soldier x1
Magical Ghost x1
Magic Cards: (total: 20)
Dark Hole x1
Malevolent Nuzzler x2
Sword of Deep Seated x2
Horn of the Unicorn x2
Soul Exchange x2
Ookazi x2
Monster Reborn x2
Dian Keto the Cure Master x1
7 Completed x1
Sogen x1
Gravekeeper’s Servant x1
Dragon’s Gunfire x1
Pot of Greed x1
Chain Energy x1
Trap Cards: (total: 9)
Spellbinding Circle x1
Enchanted Javelin x1
Coffin Seller x1
Nutrient Z x1
Light of Intervention x1
Magic Jammer x1
Minor Goblin Official x1
Trap Hole x1
Just Desserts x1
My deck strategy is what I call a “bypass assault” strategy. I seek to bypass my foes defenses entirely and go for a quick kill by attacking Life points directly. All the power-up cards are meant to turn the monsters into engines of destruction, and if I can get Jinzo #7 onto the field with patrician of darkness and another powerful monster, I can decimate my opponents. But I need feedback. What do you think of my deck and strategy?
iamanoobnow, I’m glad you told me that Pot of Greed is forbidden, but could you be more specific about why you think it’s awful? this goes for everybody. If you think it’s awful, I want to know why so that I can improve.
i think thats a good idea, nice strategy. but what i would do is put alot of cards with good defence. i havent played yu gi oh in forever, but i would put alot of defense cards down and that would help me stall to pull out something good like dark sage. but its all about your startegy though. you do what you feel comfortable with.
Sorry to say, but its crap. Pot of greed is Forbidden.
Not bad, but it would be good if you have a trap jammer ready in case your opponent whips out a card like “Magic Cylinder,” “Mirror Force,” or “Draining Shield.” Also, decks are not allowed to have more than one “Monster Reborn” in them. I would recomend that you add a trap called “Zero Gravity” in case your opponent uses “Shield and Sword” (It really bites if you have a monster with high attack, but really low defence, and your opponent is using a heavy defence deck).
good idea, but i suggest using those monsters your deck is based around, and just using equip cards. bring it down to a 40 card deck, then it will be good.
Your deck its really…over crowded and could use some work on cutting the number of cards from your deck to about 40 cards, most decks that are really good should only take about 40 – 42 cards. I have a small idea in my mind so…here it is.
Man-Eater Bug x2
Nobleman Eater bug x1
Jinzo #7
Blue-Eyes White Dragon x1
Dark Magician x1
Dark Blade x1
Mystical Elf x2
Summoned Skull x1
Giant Sodier of Stone x2
Patrician of darkness x1
Something like that…because the celtic gaurdian and magical ghost are..pretty useless
Your traps are fine, but your magic might need alittle help.. Monster reborn is limited ( which means 1 per deck ) Dark hole and pot of greeed are banned also…and i would take out the dragons gunfire since you wont have many dragon type monsters.
too many cards.
a good deck has around 20 monsters, 12 spells and 8 traps.
pick your best cards for making your deck shorter otherwise its CRAP.
Nobleman Eater bug??…5 STARS??
use 40 cards for a balanced deck like me i use 20 monsters and 10 magic and 10 traps