IGrow Superstore of weed

In a 15000-square-foot warehouse just down the road from the Oakland Airport, an entrepreneur is opening a one-stop shop for medicinal marijuana cultivation. Don’t know the first thing about growing pot? The folks at iGrow have a doctor on site to get you a cannabis card and sell you all the necessary equipment for indoor, hydroponic cultivation – from pumps, nutrients and tubing to lights and fans. Don’t know how to set it up? For a fee, on-site technicians will show you how to build it in your home and even maintain it weekly. This is hardly a fringe business. When iGrow opens today, at least three City Council members will attend. So will most of the leaders of the cannabis industry in Oakland, a city long at the vanguard of medicinal marijuana. Though iGrow provides all the supplies and know-how for cannabis cultivation, they don’t sell the seedlings – only dispensaries can. The cost of creating your own cultivation system or relying solely on a dispensary is vast. At a dispensary, a patient might spend $120 a week for a quarter-ounce of marijuana. However, it might cost $1000 to set up an eight-plant system. But in the course of a year, they might only use half of their harvest and be able to sell the remaining 3 pounds for $12000 to a dispensary
@dagreenhippy WORD.
awsome a hydroponics superstore like walmart thats what the industry needs thanks igrow for the start of the end for us guys who own the hometown shop that does not agree with the walmart take over that killed 80% of small bussiness ..oh ya also thanks for going on the national news saying that our stores are for growing weed and really nothing else now i get deal with the old people who watch the news and answer to why i have big bud on my shelves ..corporation suck and so do you…dicks
i WANT TO GROW STRAWBERRIES. I guess I have to go to a different store huh?
This store is for marijuana cultivation only according to this repository. I meant reporter, sorry.
its official im moving to california XD
im guessing every 10 plants=1 pounds so every plant is 1 ounce and a half. Say he sells a pound for $3000 x 4 thats 12k. every 8-10 weeks.
then again he had 40 plants = One 1000 watt HPS.
@Lantho650 or 60 plant = 20k…30 palnts = 10k…15 plants = 5k. he had 3 1000 watts hps lamps.
that guy has 120 plants so thats worth 45k. i should do that.
@m0nstahhh M-Sat 10am-6pm
@m0nstahhh Its been a while but igrow is open Monday-Saturday 10am to 6pm
i started to realize the world is getting crazy when i see whoopi goldberg high on national tv… it’s pretty surreal. hopefully the whole world can burn together in harmony, and we can buy weed at the store up the street.
check out igrow’s unicann-dot-com
Horticulture 001 – Sharpening Your Green Thumb –
Legal 001 – The New Buzz & Sparking a Change –
Cooking & Concentrates 051 – Have Your High & Eat it Too
Politics 001 – Yes We Cannabis –
Horticulture 101 / Propagation – So You Think You Can Grow & The Birds and Bees of Seeds –
Medical 001 – Cannabis for Health –
Grow Room Construction 051 – Grow Squad –
CannaBusiness 001 – Budding Opportunities –
check out igrow’s unicann-dot-com
These are the most clean cut pot dealers I’ve ever seen! haha Great job iGrow! You guys are providing an excellent service! I may have to take a roadtrip to Oakland!
do you know what time and days igrow store is open?
its time for america to wake up and accept marijuana for what it is. A HARMLESS PLANT!!!
prohibition on marijuana has caused far more harm to more people than marijuana ever could.