If you find marijuana grown on your land without your knowledge or consent, is it safe to call the police?

Saw this scenario on a TV show lately – characters found an acre of marijuana on unused farm land, and were afraid of calling the police because they thought they would be blamed.
I was curious so I did some searching on the internet, and found that this type of “guerrilla gardening” is quite common, but I haven’t been able to find any cases of the landowners being prosecuted. It seems to me that if you call the police they wouldn’t arrest you, and trying to dispose of it yourself is definitely unsafe.
Anyone heard of anything like this?
As a former police officer and current corrections officer I can assure you we would be grateful for the information and certainly not upset at the person giving us the information,
well if you are the one reporting Marijuana on your land without you knowing then chances are they would believe you had no knowlegdge of it.
kind of like divorced military wives finding a hand granade in their basement and didnt know about it. if you report it and explain the situation you wont get introuble
depending on how big the garden is, you can just call me, i will handle the situation for you
the last thing youd want to do is clean it out yourself, the planters may think your robbing their patch and you might get shot. you wont get in trouble if you call the cops though, but i insist you call me
Just kill it but don’t burn it. That would draw attention. Cops these days are just looking for someone to frame, don’t let it be you.
please ma’am do not panic i know what to do im a doctor
you should send it to me for further analyzing immeadialty
Don’t call the cops! They WILL frame you.