If the thought of legalizing marijuana makes me nauseous?

Should I smoke it?
Read the following and you’ll understand.
No, I don’t smoke it and don’t advocate the smoking of it in case you were wondering. I have no problems with people who do if they are under a doctors care though.
BQ: Do you think this will eventually lead to the legal sale and taxing of marijuana in the near future, like after the end of prohibition?
Does the fact that I mis-spelled marijuana twice mean anything?
We are kids before we become adults and for some reason marijuana is always a question. I believe that you are repulsed because subconsciously you really don’t like the idea of it but you haven’t sat down to think about it.
Try to stay away. Its sad when people are fired in my office because they didn’t pass their drug test. The majority of jobs these days require a drug test before your hired, so be careful.
I did a study on medical marijuana and it actually does have good purposes but only for those who really need it to be cured. I doubt though that it would be legalized. If its messing up the teenage population you can already imagine what will take place when its legalized.
I dont even know how to spell it but I have smelled it and I dont smoke anything but the smell of a good cigar is kinda nice.
I know people who take it medically and they say there are controlled “farms” yeah sure, and my parents are from Mars.
I think though if I can be serious for a minute (Yowee a toughie)
It probly could be controlled a little and taxed a lot but that wouldnt stop sneak growing of it.
My mind is already altered enough by lots of other stuff, and I dont think I want that to get any worse but the whole thing is all about revenue
Did alchohol prohibition make every body get sober?
Did I misspell anything? LOL.
umm.. you spelled it right, dearie.
BQ: Yes it’s all leading up to the legal sale and taxing of marijuana in the future. I don’t smoke it either, but I dont really think it’s any worse than alcohol. I think legalizing it would be a good move. If they put the right restrictions on it. just my opinion.. ..