If the Feds were not doing the job they should be doing, would they have a discovered a 2nd major drug tunnel?

Some people say that the Feds are not doing their job, but have they taken their time to see all the news releases on ICE’s website? Why do people say that the Feds are lazy?
Discovery of 2nd major San Diego-area cross-border drug tunnel leads to 8 arrests, seizure of more than 20 tons of marijuana
SAN DIEGO – Eight suspects are in custody on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border and more than 20 tons of marijuana have been seized following the San Diego Tunnel Task Force’s discovery Thursday of a cross-border passageway even more sophisticated than a similar tunnel uncovered in the area less than three weeks ago.
Unlike previous area tunnels, the nearly half-mile long passageway had two U.S. entrances located in warehouses about 800 feet apart in the Otay Mesa industrial complex in southern San Diego. The tunnel, which reached an estimated depth of 90 feet, emerged in Tijuana, Mexico, inside a stucco residence outfitted with a garage large enough to accommodate deliveries by tractor trailer trucks. Inside, the tunnel’s walls were fortified with wood and cinderblock supports and the passageway was equipped with advanced rail, electrical and ventilation systems. In addition, near one of the tunnel’s entrances, its builders had carved out a 10 by 20 foot underground room where authorities believe smugglers off-loaded marijuana bales from the rail cart before hoisting them to the surface.
NOTE: this is not about numbers in this one article, take your time to read all the news releases before answering, thanks!
The Feds under the direction of Obama are doing a great job. Don’t listen to those nut jobs that say otherwise.
The despicable thing about it is that the feds are pretending to the public that this is going to reduce the amount and availability of dope on our streets.
It’s just a minor kink in the chain of the drug cartels.
It was a lucky find.
Yea,but how long did it take to take down the tunnel and how much drugs got through to the USA.
They were tipped off, they did not find it by themselves.
And for every major drug bust you hear about, there are 5000 more that never get caught.
Also, dont forget who owns the media. If you are hearing about drug busts in the media, its because the story is selling something to someone.
EVERYTHING you see in the media is selling something to someone. The same 5 mega for profit corps own 95% of all media world wide.