If Proposition 19 passes will Anaheim, San Jose, and LA’s popularity amongst the players increase?

I asked a similar question in another section yesterday.
For those who don’t know what Prop. 19 is: http://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php/California_Proposition_19,_the_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2010)
BQ: Hows your day going so far?
@Chuck-I have been playing Gears of War 2 a lot lately but I would NEVER pass up on a booty call come on!
This would be the perfect question for me to answer since i could benifit from it but no.. nothing will make me go to san jose except a lay over on my way somewhere else.. (by the way best bloody marry i have ever had is at the margaria money in the san jose airport) but as far as NHLers no b/c even tho the town will let you smoke the leauge wont.. just think about the folks that play for B.C. teams.. now what would be awesome would be the sponcership from the despensorys
BQ* I am so tired i have been working 11 and 12 hours days at work and totally dorking out on Fallout New Vegas when i get off work.. i sadly actually passed up on a booty call to play that game last night… how lame is that?
There is always lobstertube.com and it wont complain that i ask it to call me “ruler of the wasteland” when i finish….
I’m pro-prop19 but I think players wouuld still have to pass a UA to play in the NHL
BQ* subaverage.
You still have to take drug tests to comply with league rules
The offseason on the other hand though, atleast up until 2 weeks before training camp they may blaze their skulls out
Honestly hate me if you will, i have mixed feelings for Prop. 19.
I believe it is a step into the unordinary and will lead to an increase in violence (no joke, correct me if you want). And quite the brain drain (California is dumb enough already). No matter how much i love getting high I dont think legalizing it is a good idea. Although it has its purposes and i dont think people should be arrested or fined for having it. Im very on the border (ironically as it crosses the border) on the subject
Im not sure the general public could handle it, maybe a pot head license? Or a license were it limits the amount you can buy/consume? Moderation moderation moderation
BQ: Pretty funny, not good though
LOL. Yeah, I actually typed it. LOL. Seriously, how the TWEET could they possibly regulate it? Well, it IS California.
BQ: It started out just fine. Then it got flurkin’-frackin’ COLD out. I am not ready for this. My hands which are normally kind of old lady wrinkled are now old lady wrinkled, red and COLD! I hate IT!
Doubtful- in most parts of Canada small amounts are defacto decriminalised. Not that it matters but I used to smoke a joint on occasion until drug-screening became de rigeur (something I’d do on occasion as a way to relax after a stressful day) and I had to give it up (of course I could legally take a fistful of muscle relaxants and achieve the same effect- just saying). Nobody would ever call me a stoner pothead (I’d come home from work, sit outside, and light up).
Plus, THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) is still a banned substance on NHL and IOC drug testing.
BQ: Busy. Feel like I’ve either on the blower most of the day or returning emails. My blackberry appears to be smoking.
Maybe some, but not before Michael Phelps is spotted next to Woody Harrelson at a Kings game….
BA – Great in many ways, but I got the bug and I’m high on Nyquil. I hate that stuff – but it gets the job done. I walk around in a fog (cue the theme music to The Twilight Zone) and forget what I’m going to do.
dude,… alot of these players come from Western Canada. I’m not sure if you are aware… but getting weed in Western Canada is about as easy and carefree as getting alcohol in a bar. Especially if you’re from BC.
BQ: Not bad, it’s pretty nice and sunny in Lethbridge right now… no wind either (thank christ).