If prop 19 is not passed on November 2nd, when will it be on the ballot again?

I am not worried about it passing, I was simply wondering how long it would be until it was on the ballot again. I am not 21 yet, which means that it is still illegal to me whether i vote yes or not. If i voted yes, it would become stricter, more expensive, and many of my friends would be out of a job, and this law wont even apply to me yet. It would bring money to the state. I am torn.
have a smoke and relax….
Just to let you know, even though I would vote for prop 19, This is what Obama’s man Eric Holder said:
SAN FRANCISCO — Attorney General Eric Holder is warning that the federal government will not look the other way, as it has with medical marijuana, if voters next month make California the first state to legalize pot.
Marijuana is illegal under federal law, which drug agents will “vigorously enforce” against anyone carrying, growing or selling it, Holder said.
The comments in a letter to ex-federal drug enforcement chiefs were the attorney general’s most direct statement yet against Proposition 19 and set up another showdown with California over marijuana if the measure passes.
With Prop 19 leading in the polls, the letter also raised questions about the extent to which federal drug agents would go into communities across the state to catch small-time users and dealers, or whether they even had the resources to do it.
The process would have to start over….legislation drawn, signatures collected, language approved for the ballot, etc. Not being approved by voters would mean a new initiative having to start.
As soon as the pot heads can get it on the ballot again.