If Marijuana will soon be legalized as a recreational drug in the state of California.?

If Marijuana will soon be legalized as a recreational drug in the state of California.?

Won’t the federal law over ride that still allowing the F.B.I to search and seize?
Honestly I think it should be legal everywhere. It will cut back on people drinking alcohol which is one of the deadliest drugs in the world. I know a lot of people in alcohol related accidents, and incidents ever day. Never heard of somebody doing something really wrong when they were just high.
Right I understand that Della and both of you make a good point. I kind of suspected that as well I work with d.o.d I know how the feds work. I always hear people back home saying hey I think the f.b.i is watching you (to other people, not myself). There is no way the f.b.i is going to get involved in one person selling small amounts on the streets. We don’t even bother with weed here so much. Moon Shine and meth are more of a concern.
I don’t think it is addictive at all. I smoked maybe one every 6 months I always turn it down. I smoked since I was 13 pretty heavily but I was never addicted. I quit twice because of jobs and I was fine without it. Its just fun to do once in a while, not like in high school when pot was a replacement for air.

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