If marijuana were legalized fully, how long until it’s advocates got bored with it and moved on?

Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
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Well people who advocate legalizing would have what they want, legal pot, so what would there be to advocate??
The real killer drugs and intoxicants (alcohol/cigarettes) were illegal and popular during prohibition. Now that they are legal they are still just as popular.
The only difference is less crime as gangs and cartels can’t make money off the sale of alcohol any more.
never. they enjoy it too much.
About year, gove or take a few weeks
So you believe that the people that smoke pot would stop smoking it because it were legal? Interesting.
Actually, not interesting – stupid.
wouldn’t that be the best of both worlds
and just another reason it should be legalized yesterday
The people that wanted to smoke would continue while the people that did not would continue on as if nothing had ever happened. The only difference is that people who now smoke pot would be enriching the government and our society with money for education and whatever instead of enriching drug cartels to do murder. Yes I myself would move right along knowing that I had made society a better place where the only thing that changed is the ultra scum bags start running out of funds while the funds to positively advance society overall increased. Yay legalized pot advocates.
People always say things like pot is impossible to regulate to this argument which is beyond stupid considering that alcohol and tobacco are completely regulated with not even a hiccup in the system to be mentioned. Tobacco grows in the ground just like pot, or corn, grapes and sugar that make alcoholic beverages. People who advocate keeping marijuana illegal are ignorant or insane.
been smoking now for almost forty five years; not even close to becoming bored. but most intelligent potheads don’t favor fully legal pot; too many problems. legalize it, and next week Phillip Morris tobacco company will bring out their Acapulco Gold brand that they have had registered for decades. it will have nothing to do with Acapulco, nor gold colored pot. what it will be about is 4,000 toxic chemicals added to enhance flavor, and to make it burn smooth, and since this year, another to make it go out in a few minutes. (note that they could have just removed the salt peter that they use to make it burn steady – but no). add to that, they will eliminate backyard crops. price will be out of control.
i think those advocates you mentioned could find a lot of interesting things to keep them focused even after legalization.
Legalise all drugs put the criminal out of buisness save a fortune in helathcare costs (people getting good drugs instead of bleach and whatever else = less strain on healthcare costs) a brand new source of revenue for the tax man to collect and and a brand new wave of tourism trust me legalising drugs would solve more problems than it would create.
I mean americans claim to love freedoms right ? who should have the right to tell another person what crap they can and cant put their body ?
im anti drug and cant stand junkies but i see no good reason to keep drugs illegal.
Do you realise the sheer scale of the black market drugs economy ?
…to worse drugs? Not long. The problem I have with it is not so much that I want to tell stoners what to do. The problem is that when things like this are legalized, the next thing the left seeks to do is use the fact that they are legal to push people around.
This has not always happened but it often does. Marijuana is a bit easier to make than alcohol. To some extent, alcohol is borderline too. I would mostly point to gambling as an example. Since it has been legalized (under the guise of being used to bring in taxes to states that desperately need the money) lottery tickets and casinos have hurt the poor drastically and pushed many into bankruptcy-costing everybody else. However I have never met a lottery ticket buyer that sounds like a “dude, where’s my car” actor after buying lottery tickets for 20 years. The public these days is so much expected to support the poor and dull with tax dollars and if that is the case then I am going to do what I can to stop people from becoming dull and incompetent.
If we can decisively and permanently end Obama Care and welfare, I will gladly support legalization of drugs. Meanwhile I do not want to pay for foolishness just because it is legal.
Been a pot head since ’75. I don’t use any other drugs including alcohol.
It should not be legalized. It should be decriminalized.
Dunno, the real initial portal drug is alcohol, what are the figures on that? Did more people start drinking after prohibition was lifted or did alcohol just become legal and safer and a source of tax revenue and no longer a way for gangs to make money?
Well, I wont get bored of marijuana, but yes, I will move on to another issue if and when this issue is ever resolved.
The minute the profit is taxed into oblivion they will become tax cheats.