If Marijuana became legal tomorrow and you don’t partake now?

If Marijuana became legal tomorrow and you don’t partake now?

Would you partake then?

Don’t get me wrong, I am not an advocate of legalising Marijuana at this time as there is no definative driving test to determine how recently someone has used, but I was just curious.

If you don’t partake now, would you if it were legal?

Why and why not?

Pain – New Mexico says it may be able to haelp with that pain in your back.
Kaden – I feel ya brother….
Kaden – I feel ya brother….
Kaden – I feel ya brother….
For the people saying they would never take drugs do you also not use alcohol? Studies show it tis much more dangerous. There;s not a single person in the world who died from Marijuana use. Can’t say the same thing about booze< What makes M different? My friend Lemondrop - point taken 🙂

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