If I’m arrested for marijuana possession in MA but live in CT, would I be subject to CT state law?

I was arrested once in CT for possession of marijuana (this is a misdemeanor). Getting arrested again in CT for possession would be a felony.
If I were to be arrested or fined in MA for possession, would I be subject to CT state law at all? Or would I be subject only to MA state law?
Thanks guys for the help!
You’re subject to the law of the jurisdiction you’re arrested in, regardless of where you live.
CT will do nothing about the second possession charge since it did not take place in their jurisdiction. However, if CT has an enhanced penalty for a 3rd conviction, then the CT court can count the MA conviction as the 2nd county. Many other states would count your CT and MA convictions in deciding what punishment to mete out to you.
Time to clean up your act before you start spending serious time behind bars with Bubba. . .
MA state law