If californians pass prop 19, could the US Justice department still prosecute Marijuana growers and retailers?

Basically what I’m asking is, does the federal government really have the power to enforce it’s drug control policies if they’re limited to just one state. Say a marijuana retailer is only selling marijuana in California, or a marijuana grower is growing in California and distributing in California only. Does the federal government still have the power to file charges in these scenerios?
IMHO, i don’t think they should be able to.
The supreme court said the federal government could several years ago http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/06/06/scotus.medical.marijuana/index.html
love mary jane..need distribution in my area coz its aint nuthin good here..wuld make way more here..exotic is 500 and up here
Yes, prop 19 is a state law, federal always trumps states.