If California Prop 19 passes will state police still arrest marijuana users due to federal laws?

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Yes. The law does not actually make it legal, but allow the local government to decide. Most Counties and cities would probably refuse because they do not want Federal attention, and lose federal money. Oakland and West Hollywood would probably try to legalize it.
I am not from America, but from what I researched; only certain states would make this legal, its up to them…
if by “State Police”, you mean Federal Agents, then yes.
However, it’s not likely.
The Governor and the California legislature have connived to pass legislation further reducing penalities possible for possession….the reason this was done was to weaken support for Prop 19;now they argue that Prop 19 isn’t needed.
Actually, the main beneficiaries of the War on Drugs are cops, others in the legal process, bureaucrats and government contractors serving law enforcement, specifically including anyone dealing with government-funded and or supported anti drug propaganda (like D.A.R.E). That’s why the current governor, both major party candidates for Governor and most legislators continue to support the drug war…they can’t win if they go against the wishes of so many whose livelihoods depend on continuing the drug war…think Prison Guards union, prison contractors, etc.
The federal government could and would seek to continue “enforcement” of the federal laws, however, they do that already. All in all, Prop 19 is a much needed step in the right direction. The best way to win that part of the fight which can be “won” at the ballot box is NEVER vote for anyone who doesn’t very publicly oppose the War on Drugs. The fight won’t be won at the ballot box alone…it takes a change in attitudes…start convincing your friends and neighbors to oppose the War on Drugs…changing hearts and minds is where it is at.
While it is important to keep in mind 9th and 10th amendment arguments, really, it’s much more basic than that. There is NO constitutional authority to regulate substances freely chosen by free individuals…absolutely nothing in the Constitutional providing any authority for government to do such things. So, leaving it to the states is NOT a good thing. Government has no rightful authority to intrude on the liberty of individuals.
No. Only federal law enforcement would do that, like the DEA or FBI but in the Obama White House, they are not going out of their way to enforce federal laws against marijuana smoking. They have more important things to worry about. Under Bush, they did persecute people for marijuana sales and possession but that was out of a religious agenda.
No, they wouldn’t. States don’t have to enforce federal laws. The DEA wouldn’t arrest people either because they wouldn’t have time and resources, they would just stop large scale cultivation.