i was charged with conspiracy to dist. marijuana. i was giving a friend a “ride”,the DEA swarmed us. now what?

the friend that i gave a ride, was unknowingly dealing with an informant. i truly was, in my mind, just giving him a ride because his drivers license is suspended. he went into a hotel for reasons at the time i was unaware of, later to find out that he was meeting the “dealer”. he came out, emptyhanded, and we went to the burgerking nearby, so that i could eat before heading home. i went into the store and got my food to go. after i was done eating it in the car, 3 plain clothed men approached my vehicle, put a 9mm to my head, and a .38 revolver to my buddies’ chest. These DEA agents, later charged him and I with the same charge. Federal Conspiracy To Distribute Marijuana. i spent 2 days in jail, was released on $500,000 bail. The bond was $50,000 which my parents provided in the form of their Deed to their Home. now, while under home confinement with an electronic ankle bracelet, im awaiting trial, where i face up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. The DEA seized my vehicle, and froze all my bank accounts. My friend was the one talking to this “informant” numerous times on the phone, and met him in that hotel room. Simply because i was there i am being charged with this nonsense. Ive heard conspiracy charges are the hardest to beat. What i hope to achieve by sharing my story with the world is some sort of understanding as to what might be the outcome of my situation. If anyone has been in my shoes before please help. Is SHOCK offered in a federal case? i wouldn’t “snitch” on my worst enemy, simply because of the way i was raised, so if a plea is offered that doesnt involve “snitching”, but still includes jailtime, should i accept the plea, or go to Trial, and risk the maximum punishment of 5 years imprisonment, and a quarter million dollar fine? Surely a jury of my peers will see that i was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time right? i can’t see spending anytime in jail, let alone prison for an illegal action that A) didnt even end up happening, and B) i was totally unaware of.
If anyone can help me or just has any thoughts whatsoever about the topic, please share…. im stuck in my house 24/7 until further notice and can not stop thinking about the worst possible outcome.
Thanks to all for listening, and those who have advice or information.
I have no prior felonies…in face ive only been arrested once in my life, and i was 16 and it was only a violation…a simple fine not even a misdemeanor
I have a very well paid Lawyer, not a PD, and to the smart ass that asked if its too late to think about what i “should have” done…why do you even waste your time on this website…this is a place where people come to ask the world questions in hope for at least some sort of outside information or adivce. you obv have nothing better to do with your time than think of dumb one liners that in no way solve any type of question. Thanks for your response.
also i left out that while my friend was the one in contact with the informant, and i was “just there”….thats exactly how it was i never spoke with the informant, never met him, never went in that hotel. all i did was sit in my car while my friend “went to talk to someone”….in hindsight i guess hes not really a great friend…but im not here for advice on picking friends… thanks again to anyone with a logical response.
elwood…im going to presume your not a lawyer…do you understand the word conspiracy? and how “conspiracies” are dealt with in the federal system? im not trying to bad mouth you…i left nothing out
That Sucks,How many priors?
Jury trial with your own lawyer.
no bench trial with a public defender.
I expect your saving grace will come in the form of your defense attorney. I don’t necessarily believe the court appointed lawyers aren’t good lawyers.
Be as sincere as possible with your attorney. You don’t mention if you have a record, but if you don’t and the other guy does you may have a better chance with the jury.
Best of luck.
It is to late to think of what you should have done
You’re in serious trouble. Stop trying to get your answers from a place like this, for godsake. There are more knuckleheads per square foot here than I’ve seen anywhere else in my 53 years on this planet… most of them only too happy to give you misguided advice which, if followed, will result in your being convicted and doing time!
You need to hunt down, like a dog, a member in good standing of your state’s BAR (an attorney); and then you need to listen to him/her as if every syllable s/he utters were from God’s own lips. Do it even if you don’t want to or think you can handle it yourself; do it even if you can’t afford it. Bygod, DO IT!
And do NOT get your advice — which could affect your lifetime criminal record, and your very liberty — from a place like this.
Hope that helps.
Best of luck to you. F___ these pigs and all like them. (Not all pigs, just these and all like them.)
I wish I could be on your jury.
If your story is true and complete, you will gain a dismissal at the preliminary examination. Even if the judge screwed that ruling up you would have a short trial, and be found not guilty, because there is literally no evidence against you. And even if the jury screws it up, you would win on appeal. Then you coud prosecute a civil suit for malicious prosecution.
But if your story were true and complete YOU NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN CHARGED. I just wonder what you are leaving out, and what you are making up. Have fun in Fantasy Land.
This is the ONLY logical response you have received, so you are welcome. There are an awful lot of suckers and charlatans on here!