I smoked Marijuana on August 12th, is it still in my system today September 8th?
I made the biggest mistake of smoking marijuana and this was also my first time. I smoked it on August 12th. I just found out about a possible job I’ll get and I’m going in to fill out the application tomorrow and then a drug test later this week. Is it still in my system? If so what can I do to clean my system of it? I don’t want to dilute my urine either though. Are there any detox remedies I can do at home or buy at the pharmacy? Thanks!
lol it’s not THAT big of a mistake…but if you have only done it once it will stay in your system for 5-7 days. if you smoke every day that’s when it stays in your system for 4-6 weeks. you’re fine!
…and if anyone calls you an idiot, they are the idiot. it’s going to be a miracle drug. people are just too ignorant to do research..it’s actually helped my disease a lot
but i swear I am right because i researched for weeks before agreeing to the prescription
drink LOTS of water.
You will be sweet as. Being your first time you probly didnt smoke much so at most it would only be in your system for like 3 weeks.
Hi, if you haven’t been using weed regularly then your urine sample will come back clean. You won’t need any detox remedies. The best thing is to learn by your mistake, especially if getting a job depends on it! Good luck with the job!
you have to take detox right after you blaze or before. you buy it. its in your system for 30 days give or take.
That marijuana is out of your system now. Anyone that calls you an idiot for smoking it is a moron. They act like they have never made a mistake in life. Everyone makes mistakes. Just do not smoke pot until after your drug test if you wish. Marijuana is not a bad drug. It can be used to help people with debilitating diseases.
Yes, it will be in your bloodstream for a little while, but you should past the urine test just fine.Most people it takes 30 days and sometimes more to detox depending on their metabolism and amount of body fat. THC is stored in fat cells. Chances are because it was your first time, you didn’t smoke much, so its a very tiny amount, not something that would take a while. Drink a lot of water, cranberry juice is said to be a good flush too. You’ll probably pass fine.
You are your words.
if it was one time only, i’d think its not.