I say legalize marijuana and tax it as a way this country can profit big?

…and save on incarcerated prisoners for the offense, save on people getting convicted of crimes for RX drugs, save on alcohol related crimes, save on DEA raids of MJ producing farms, use it as a pain reduction for cancer patients and have it paid by healthcare….the financial and even social and health benefits are staggering. What are your thoughts not only on this but any other ideas you have for a more beneficial governement and financial entity?
PS…I do not smoke MJ
Legalize everything, don’t just stop at Marijuana. If people are stupid enough to try crack or heroin then that’s up to them. They were idiots in the first place.
The drug dealers wouldn’t know what to do and would have to find jobs.
its a good plan…half the country smokes it anyway….just look at california…go for it
All that would happen is another drug of choice would fill the gap created by taking marijuana off the taboo list. The people making money illegally will find another revenue stream. Drug enforcement will continue, business as usual. The same argument was made for alcohol. And here we are continuing to put restrictions on it usage.
Other countries that have tried decriminalizing drugs are now reversing course and putting restrictions back in place. I say we learn from their experience and not repeat their mistakes. Learning by example is the best policy.
valid argument Something similar was tried in Nevada. It was out on the ballot and didn’t pass. There is a case for it but I doubt it will happen anytime soon
Yes, the legalization of marijuana makes great sense from several viewpoints. And, while we’re at it, let’s legalize murder. That way we can deal with all these political scandals ourselves, and not relay on our justice system. What good is a justice system when it seems that those who are creating the laws are breaking them more than the rest of us?
Back to the subject. The drug cartels have ample funds to influence every politician in D.C. The cartels will fight legalization to their dying breath. They don’t want to see their rice bowl emptied. Also churches and drug enforcement agencies don’t want to see MJ legalized. Drug-using sinners aren’t supposed to be made legal and respectable. They are supposed to burn in the fires of hell – after they do their stretch in the pen, that is………..
If they do legalise marig…marg…weed, I’m straight out to buy bulk shares in aliminium food wrap.
They gotta wrap the deals in something!