I have prism corrections in my eyeglasses – up/down 1.0, Do I have to get the prism?

I want to use online shopping for my next pair of glasses: ZenniOptical, eyebuydirect, glassesunlimited, 39dollarglasses…
(I love the selection because I can sort some of the choices by size for my GIANT head.
Most of the online retailers I have found do not offer prism, so if I do not get the prism What’s the worst that can happen?
Get the prisms and be fitted by a qualified optician. This is very important on many levels. The worst that can happen is you can reduce your ability to see to the point of vision disability.
Proper alignment of the eyes is necessary for correct depth perception. The misalignment (anisokonia) that is corrected by the prisms assures that the image in each eye is properly aligned to the other eye. If not aligned properly the combined image may appear blurred, the eyes may attempt to correct the blur with focusing, and you may experience headaches, nausea, vertigo, loss of depth perception, and other symptoms consistent with eye strain.
What is more important is that the brain will not accept the two misaligned images for long. It is highly likely that the brain will “shut down” the images from one eye. The eye would have the ability to “see”, but the brain will ignore images from one eye. This is called amblyopia and can rarely be reversed. You would not notice this gradual change at first, but you could very well lose the ability to see properly with one eye. It is also possible that the brain will ignore images from both eyes, resulting in low vision quality that cannot be corrected with glasses.
Those prisms are very important to your vision health.
If you don’t get the prism you may see double and have headaches.
You could buy the frame only (without lenses) from an online source and take it to a real optical to have the lenses put in.