I have found a marihuana leaf on school campus,what should i do with it?

Nuff said.
Nuff said.
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Take it to a teacher or principle
Smoke it up. Even the leaves contain a small amount of THC
Throw it away..you cant get high of that its just a leaf unless it has buds on it, or you can sell it to a dumbass and tell him its weed and its smokeable.
If you kept it, turn it in either to the principal or to the authorities. You wouldn’t want to get falsely accused of anything. If you just left it there, then leave it be.
lol its probably not a weed leaf. and if it is who cares? it wont get you lit
Sell it to someone posh and say it’ll get them high but is purer and as less added shit.
Tell your Principal. If you still have it turn it in to him/her. Your Principal needs to know about things like that.
There’s no point in telling a principal or teacher… they aren’t going to finger-print the leaf to find the culprit, anyway.
Throw it away, it’s useless. No one can get high from it, and you might end up in trouble if you hang on to it. Are you sure it’s a marijuana leaf? Because my cousin once smoked poison oak thinking it was marijuana and it turned out she was highly allergic and had to go to the ER when polyps formed on her lungs.
Tear it up and throw it in your yard. You don’t want someone else finding it and thinking you’re on drugs.
– Rachael