i have a medical permet to grow cannabis(weed)plants need help?

i have a medical permet to grow cannabis(weed)plants need help?

i have recently been givin the right to grow for my self and i have started a few seeds under a house lamp and they all sprouted but one is still growing and now has 4 leafs all together but the other 2 have stopped one i think is dead the leaf has a bit of brown on it and the other looks healthy just is not growing at all, what can i do to solve this problem i have on my hands i do not want to grow alot for fear or smoking to much but i will be gettin a flouresecent light within the next couple days, i am growing on no money supply realy and need to do things cheap any help please no one delete this post if there is anyone who grows could you leave your emailing adress and maybe we could go over a few things thank you

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