I have a lot of seeds from this Grape Ape I got from the Medical Marijuana Dispensary is it grow-able?
I have a whole bunch of seeds from this weed called Grape Ape I got at the club. If I grow it in my backyard (I have my permit) will it be as good as the club stuff? If not, how do I take care of it so it can be as good as club stuff? And how many ounces can one plant produce?
It will most likely be close, but only clones (cuttings) will be the same. On the other hand if you know how to grow you may have an even more killer variety!
Good luck!
State law Rocks! Yes, homegrown quality medicine!
If you can grow and how many plants is part of the State / county MMJ law.
There are grow forums, medical marijuana grow books and video, guides to grow a particular strain all over the Internet.