I have a hemp jewelry question.?

I have a hemp jewelry question.?

I want to start making it.
I have no clue where to start.
I’m afraid to order any beads online because I might pay too much or the holes in the beads would be too small for the string…
I want to make my friend a necklace for Christmas.
I need an expert’s help.
The necklace doesn’t have to be done before Christmas.
Okay, so I do know how to make the jewelry.
I’ve gotten jewelry at Walmart, but Walmart doesn’t have a huge selection.
I’d like to have a begger variety.
I just don’t know what I’m buying online, ya know? And where to get the best deals and where to get the kind with bigger holes.
Thank you. =]
You don’t understand!
I don’t know WHERE to buy them online!

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