I am being charged with felony possession with intent in MS, it was for a half ounce of marijuana.?

I was set up by a friend who had a police officer in the car. What am I looking at? The cop told me that he was going to set a bond of $75,000, seize my car, and call DHS, since he “knows” drugs were stored in my home. I am not a drug dealer and made no profit from the marijuana, I thought I was helping a friend. I have an attorney, but I am very worried.
First off your out so you obviously don’t have a 75,000 bail set. Cops like to talk big when they are arresting you. I’m sure you’ll easily be able to get a deal and drop it down to a lower possession charge.
I myself have been caught with weed (but only a gram). Because of my age, I got away with it. But recently drug laws are being heavily enforced.
Hopefully your attorney is good at their job.
The cop has no proof of drugs being stored in your home if he is only saying “he knows”.
I think you may be ok, you definitely won’t get any heavy prison sentences or anything like that.
Piss-bottle Jones says
you should be worried, but police don’t have the authority to set bail
Well first of all tell the truth because if you lie you’ll be in more shit. And act respectful In court because they’ll believe you more if you are, idk why but they just will be. And don’t do drugs or carry drugs!!!! Its not worth the money, frustration and a stupid 30 minute high!!
First, get away from the drug scene and you will never have to worry about this crap again.
That being said…
cops don’t set bonds, judges do.
He can seize your car but you can get it back if you can show that it was not purchased with drug money (in most states). It may be somewhat a pain in the butt to get back.
DHS has nothing to do with this. At all. Not even a little.
He “Knows” drugs were in your home? That doesn’t matter. It only matters what can be proven in court beyond a reasonable doubt.
Check this site:
In most cases there are minimum and maximum penalties. There are also plea bargains in which you pleed no contest or plead giulty to a reduced charge etc. I would talk to your attorney.
Police officers can not set a bond.You might be looking at probation.
The Officer doesn’t set the bond. I’d be surprised if one called the DHS on a charge like that. He was trying to make a point with you that crime can lead to all kinds of consequences.
If you are convicted of Marijuana possession in Missouri, it is considered a Class A Misdemeanor if it is less than 35 grams. This carries a penalty of up to a year in jail and a fine of $1000.
You had a half a gram , so the intent will get thrown out and you will get probation and a criminal record. My best guess.