How would you write legislation to make the growing of industrial cannabis legal and prosperous?
California’s proposition 19 bid to legalize marijuana did not pass by a vote of 54% to 46%.
How much does this effect the ability to write and then pass legislation that makes the growing of industrial cannabis legal and profitable i.e. the grower does not need to have tall barbed wire fence and security system in order to grow a crop or other such restrictions.
It will be the most prosperous absent regulation.
Use Industrial Hemp Cannabis.
Prop 19 has no impact or effect. Prop 19 did not include Hemp Cannabis.
California actually has allowances for Hemp.
I’d petition the US Attorney General to repeal the prohibition through the US Supreme Court and use the authority from Nixon to tell the FDA and DEA to remove it from the scheduled drug list.
The US AG has the power to direct the FDA to prove MJ needs to remain as a scheduled drug and enforce a limited time line.