How to use a cannabis vaporizer ?

This video explain how to use a vaporizer, and the medical benefits of marijuana. The Vape Community : . More information on MCCFDIA Channe
This video explain how to use a vaporizer, and the medical benefits of marijuana. The Vape Community : . More information on MCCFDIA Channe
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[repostus jump=4 hash=2ba4339e37d12de1593d7755ef0dcbe9 title=Michigan+Lawmakers+Pushing+Bill+to+Lift+Marijuana+Prohibition%2C+Bipartisan+Support short=1GrhV snip=By+Ali+Papademetriou+House+Bill+4623+would+greatly+lessen+the+penalty+for+being+in+possession+of+small+amounts+of+marijuana+in+the+state+of+Michigan%2C+making+it+only+a+civil+violation+rather+than+criminal.+The+bill+was+introduced+in+April+by+Representative+Jeff+Irwin+and+is+co-sponsored+by+Representatives%26hellip%3B thumb=5920338] Read More »
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fractal distillation
I love this guy hes like a pro of marihuana… like the last person i would expect to say and do this XD… and hes like an expert… LOL
I just love how like a couple minutes in this guy is so lifted, yet he finishes the vid. Nice!
While some people say that smoking weed can cause cancer, I’ve never seen or heard of anyone who has gotten cancer from smoking pot.
@TD47 you’re right time does not exist. one instant is ten thousand years.
My friends and I were discussing about how time doesn’t exist and it was actually cannabis that was the fourth dimension but somehow how misunderstood by scientific community.
@thisshitrighthereee Smoking my Volcano leftovers gives me a headache, and tastes horrible. You can save it and make butter for brownies. Simmer over low heat, a stick of real butter, and a cup of water, with about an O or 2 of saved used herb. Stir regularly. Then strain the herb, and put the water/butter in a bowl in the refrigerator overnight. The water and butter separate, butter layer forms on top. Discard water, and use butter for cooking.
Vacuuming the cannabis, I need to start doing that. Classy.
tyvm for this video i just got a SSV and have been using it for a few days i just realized i wasted almost a quarter of sour deisel had anyone tried the 3am weed ?? i wonder if it really knocks u out
lool hes high!
Oh, btw people who want their own vaporizer, go to ebay and search “ez vape”, theres a couple on there for $50, very good deal, AND it comes with a grinder. That’s where I got mine, and I’m going to try the next couple of days…
It’s not the weed that causes the cancer, it’s the smoke. Thats why vaporizing is a lot better…. no smoke!
that is such a weird way to load the green.
its a huge wart!
the low eyes during the second half of the video sold me on it.
Looks like a Vapour King
What kind of grinder would you recommend? How finely ground should the weed be?
What kind of grinder would you recommend? How finely ground should the weed be?
What kind of grinder would you recommend? How finely ground should the weed be?
Well Done!
I love my vaporizer! It
Thnak you bery much for the informational video :}
i purchased a vaporiser and have been smoking bongs for years… man the 1st time was a very intense high … after 2nd or 3rd … i jsut really wanted a bong rip .. dont get a vaporiser unlesss your and old grandma worryieng about dying from lung cancer
what happened to your finger is that a tumor from CANCER