How to Stop Marijuana Addiction Positively

How to Stop Marijuana Addiction Positively

Let’s face it, people smoke marijuana because it feels good and often because they think it is not a big problem like other harder drugs. Humans are creatures of pleasure and if it did not feel good we would not do it. However there comes a time when the no matter how good it feels it seems like we come back to weed out of habit, it has become the norm and ingrained in our lives so tightly that when we think on how to stop marijuana addiction it up feels painful and negative. As was mentioned however we seek pleasure and we seek activities and moments that feel good and positive. This means that the negative aspects of quitting something that used to feel so good and are now comfortable and a part of our lives can seriously hamper your attempts to give up on the drug. There feels like there is no reward and only pain when giving up an addiction and a psychological addiction like pot is driven by the reward of the high. So to really be able to quit smoking marijuana you must find a way to be positive about the process and stay positive throughout the period no matter what happens! It may be easy to start being positive and it is a good first step. You must first realize what benefits quitting will have from better health, more time, more money to spend and the feeling that you control your own life instead of it being dominated by a substance. The boost in self esteem you will get by quitting can be amazing and all the other benefits can seem obvious and this is what drives many to start on the path to being free of the drugs. It is only later it can really get hard to remain focused as you feel unrewarded and are dying to get high again. While it may sound trite to say remain positive it must be said but here are some tips to help you stay up and remain on track.

Staying positive is the key for how to stop marijuana addiction or any addiction for that matter and will help you in all parts of your life. I hope these tips can help you on your effort to quit.


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