How to Smoke and Setup A Hookah

IF you LOVE the HOOKAH and are the age of 18 or older…Join the forum! Its my favorite Hookah forum See you there! NOTTEEEE 10/18/08 Haha I got an email saying my vid was taken off because of “copyright infringement” of the Bob Marley songs
So now, I had to use a trance song that kinda “fit” with my video. I guess the good thing is, is that people that kept nagging about how the song that I USED were connected to marijuana (even though the specific ones that I used were NOT!), saying I was a “hypocrite” because of the fact that I said hookahs were not made for marijuana
So anyways, please disregard the credits, saying I was using Bob Marley and Green Day songs even though now, I cannot ———————————————— This is me showing the basic way to properly setup a hookah and smoke it. Throughout the vid, I’m giving tips, directions, and warnings about how to set up it. Don’t forget to comment, rate, and subscribe
Haha sorry, I know there are little spelling errors here and there…Its cuz I wrote them pretty fast
NOTE: One thing I forgot to add about the hose. If it is leather,paper based (feels like paper), has metal wiring…IT IS NOT WASHABLE! Do not wash these kinds of hoses unless it specifically says it is washable. If you wash non-washable hoses, they will rust and you will have to get a new one. BTW if you non washable that has a dingy, nasty taste and smell to it, detach it from your hookah and blow through …
@MsWILDGURL lol i do it too and im 12 but i also do other shit too like weed and occasionally cigarettes
I find using a tack prevents the foil from denting down and touching the tobacco.
Hey,I am from India and Hookah origined in India. type hoistory of hookah on the google check out. Hookah originated in India.
before you write that a hookah isnt a bong, look at or use a hookah, idiot. lol. the burnt material’s smoke goes down via suction, and through water. sounds exactly like a bong, just specially made for tobacco.
your video is owsome!
whats the song name :)?
@ignaciojd3 not only arabs man
DUUUUUDDDEEE i have the same hoses
fuckin bad music man,
lol, remember guys, we’re smoking here, NOT buring the tobacco.. lol
im deeply sorry to the people who enjoy a good hookah, but that tobacco is just …gross looking -_- but dont let me spoil your fun, im sure one day ill be into it as well
the holder is hardly ghetto lol, in fact, in lots of the hookah smoking places, they just use a bowl with foil
DOGGY! *gay like that, also keep away from KITTY!!!’s and BUNNAY!!!!1!!!!ONE!’s*
the music is perfect for smoking to, real chill
Thanks a lot!! My hookah was not working properly but after watching this vid its working GREAT now!! : )
Where can i get the coals from?
Can anyone suggest somewhere?
is hookah smoking bad for you?
hookaah is not made for weed ill tell u 1 thing if it would be made for weed i would have been illigal 2. it like kind of a arabian thing and most arabians are muslims and it forrbiden to smoke weed
BTW you are the idiot. The history of the hookah started with hashish, THEN moved to opium, THEN moved to tobacco. So……..dont speak on what you dont know about.
Ya it works but after every smoke make sure you clean the hose realy good so it dose not rot.
Same here but am 13 ging on 14
what type of hookah is that? KM?
awesome awesome video!
who is the music by and whats the song?
The only time I’ve smoked a hookah was when I was about 13, we were in a bar in Turkey and it was bannana flavoured. I might get into the hookah, thanks for the video.
…enjoy the ShIsHaaaaa
I am 12 n i smoke sooo