How to Make Hemp Jewelry : Making a Square Knot Hemp Bracelet

How to make a hemp squareknot bracelet; learn this and more in this free arts and crafts video taught by a pottery making expert . Expert: Karen Weisman Contact: Bio: Karen Weisman graduated from Boston University with a degree in Hotel and Food Management. She teaches cooking, baking, cake decorating, and various crafts. Filmmaker: Karen Weisman
GO HEMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its great for the environment:D
how do you start this?
hmm where can you buy that kind of string?
just made this bracelet!
its awesome, thank you!
omg. this video just made my day. ive always wondered how to make these!!!
i believe this is also known as a cobra stitch.
@rivamous you need two strings and each string should be four feet and then you fold them in half
this is a cool vid:) When you get a chance come check out my channel:)
Thanks XD
looks cool but i would have liked it if you showed the finished product.
how long should the string be?
make more
wow u make it seem super easy
thanks and i understand
my god thank you so much! i watched a different video on this and it confused me so much!
Hey Thanks alot,Ill start making my ancklet now.
The knotter should be double the size of the carrier.
That was just a basic tied know.
You want two lengths, one twice the size of the other. To tie the knot you fold them both at the centre, then to a basic know to tie them together.
How do i make the initial loop which is round the nail?
@armydude4567 thanks.
@ariescutie76 You’re not doing anything wrong, in fact it is supposed to be shorter then your carriers. You want to have your knotters to be longer at first. so it will accommodate the the knots that you are making. So it will get shorter, hope this helped you.
i’m tryin to make these but the knotters are getting shorter than the rest of the bracelet wut i’m i doin wrong.
@MoneyLoveMakeup When I make these, I slide beads onto the two middle pieces of hemp. And then continue knotting.
What if we want to put beeds in between??? then what do we do!??? plzz some1 tell me
wow i have no idea how you even made the first thing with the nail…
omg thank you so much…, now i know..send me links of your videos, i enjoy making these! (: