How to Make Hemp Jewelry : Adding Bead One to Square Knot Hemp Bracelet

How to add the first bead to a hemp square knot bracelet; learn this and more in this free arts and crafts video taught by a pottery making expert . Expert: Karen Weisman Contact: Bio: Karen Weisman graduated from Boston University with a degree in Hotel and Food Management. She teaches cooking, baking, cake decorating, and various crafts. Filmmaker: Karen Weisman
Its not a problem, just think that the carrier strings are stationary and the other two strings are the ones being braided and they lose lenght every time they are knotted
Is the carrier one string doubled over or two strings together???
did you ever find out what the problem is because it happens to me too
how come mine came out like this >>the carriers are longer than those 2 strings?
This is the absolute best instructions I have ever seen in my life thank Karen!
I love you!