how to make a water filter for a vaporizer

how to use a marijuana vaporizer the right way with a water filer
how to use a marijuana vaporizer the right way with a water filer
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@joe699er the reason your roaches burn longer is because of 2 things. 1 did you leave the paper on? If so lmao @ you. 2 the weed gets coated in resin as you smoke your joint dumbass!!!
@snorockerlp360 no it isn’t you’re right thc will not dissolve in water. But it can be trapped my water molecules. Anyone who has made bubble hash knows this that’s why you need filters to retrieve it.
theres no need for the filter. The stuff your actually inhaling is vapor NOT smoke.if it is smokey your not VAPORIZING your SMOKING.really water filters for a vaporizer are just either for aesthetic value (look cool). or to filter out some THC.(who wants that anyways)
i dont think half of these kids poisting here have either used a vap or even smoked weed before. QUit bein amatures people, theres a reason why the volcano vape has a cotton filter, Look it up you unintelligent fucks you really should filter a whip or your gonna die faster than you have a chance to spell cancer, that is if you even smoke , lightweights
i duno man you shouldn,t be combusting weed in it , only thc. which is smooth .
just smoke it normally with a glass of water .
ever took a third lung rip?
My vap puts out smooth smoke already. it dosnt burn, and its not to harsh.. my vap is perfect.
i inject usually
Just smoke and quit being a pussy.
“i gots cotton mouth” oh shutup
dude are you dumb it dosent do anything to the vapors then add moisture to it witch makes your throut less dry
Why not vaporize the vapor? That just gets you more ripped dumby!
because the ash u inhale as the weed vaps small particales son come on
dont drink the water
If you run your vape at a decent temp, well below,350 and above. That’s insane, IMO… then why would you need water. It’s already vapor, unless the bud is nasty, why?
I’m not trying to bash you bro, but I don’t see the point really,…
In fact by drawing through all that extra space you’re losing some sweet sweet cannbinoids.
With the kindest of intention,