How to get work on legit medical marijuana farm in Northern California?

How to get work on legit medical marijuana farm in Northern California?

I was inspired after reading the New Yorker article about the medical marijuana economy in California. I have always wanted to find work that will make me happy, which for me would be doing something where I produce something of value to society through my own skill, intelligence, and labor; something that does not contribute to corporate profit-earning or harming people or the planet; and where others are friendly and like-minded. I am not an avid smoker – barely an occasional one – but I want to work for a marijuana grower in northern CA.

Does anyone know how – or know of anyone who does or has done it – I would go about getting into the work. I am not talking about a temporary stint picking and carrying the stuff, or working in a basement operation, but actually living on land with an outdoor crop and working the land from start to finish. From what I understand there are many which operate more or less legally by CA law and supply the medical shops.

Please do not flame this post. I don’t care what your opinion of the idea is, so please only answer if you know about finding work.

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