How to Germinate Marijuana Seeds :: part 1 :: Quick and Easy Method of Germinating Marijuana Seeds

This is a series of videos that will teach you how to germinate marijuana seeds. Germinating marijuana seeds is actually quite easy, and this video will teach you how to germinate marijuana seeds to grow marijuana plants by using damp paper towels/napkins. It is a fairly simple method of marijuana seed germination for growing marijuana plants. These videos were a big help to me when I was first learning how to grow marijuna and I hope that everyone else learns something from these videos on how to germinate marijuana seeds.
this shit is not rocket science. and you definatly dont need a 9:38 min video to learn this.
guys accent is fake as hell
cool thanks man!
if you wanna no how to germinate !! read what whadduuup said he got all u need in his shit
first off this guys an idiot cuzz your not supposed to put the seeds close together when germinating, more of a chance they wont crack open.
not realy use TINY TINY dose and flush out the plant pot oftern whit water
i love this guy he is so enthusiastic about germination!
Get a paper towel, get it damp, put the seeds on it, fold it over. put the paper towel in a dvd case for 2-3 days and they will grow
can some one tell me if this guy has a utube channel ?
ya dont feed for a bit, but you’ll be ok as long as you didnt feed too much. never tried sta green
Crap,One more thing.Someone said NOT to but fertilizer for about 1 week after Germination is over.But I already did,
And is Sta-Green Flower and vegetable plant food a good fertilizer for weed? Thanks -_-
np man
Thanks man I think they cracked a little bit on the ends. Thanks so much for the help.
ya i mean if you dont have a dark place to put it in then a plate over it is fine. you want to wet the paper towel but dont have it soaking and dripping. i say check it after 24 hours then like every 8-12 hours if they havent cracked yet.
So if wetting a paper towel and putting on it on a paper plate and a bowl over it?
i am 150% positive, give it a try. how can something that is sealed in a hard shell and has no moisture go bad.
you sure? I hope so dude,I found my dad’s old seed’s and Im not sure if they’ll grow okay.
im sorry i have to disagree with the “old seed” thing. i had seeds that were 6 YEARS old and grew perfectly fine PERFECTLY
what a fuckin creep…
check after 32 hours.
then every 8hours after that.
Can plant after tips are about 1/4-1/2 CM
You can actually bury the cotton ball, 1 seed per ball works ok. but i prefer peat pellets
no it was not grown incorrect females yes have buds but males have pollen sacks not seeds and if you grow them together and leave the male its pollen sacks will burst making the females to produce sseeds in the bud there are plants with both traits called a hermaphodite which have buds n pollen sacks but are generally not safe to smoke
how long do you leave seeds for once youv wraped in paper towel
ye your right about that, a friend bought some magic bud seeds off the net, grew with basic setup and lights, all went well and seemed to be female, smelt great, howerver when we dried it out there wer quite alot of seeds inside the overly sticky buds, idnt get me wrong wernt the worst iv smoked, gave a real “swollen head” buzz for a few hours, but im sure it was nower near as good as if it was 100% female.
this guy is hilarious