How to find a doctor that can recommend marijuana in California?
I just recently moved to California and found a great doctor that was able to recommend marijuana to me as an alternative to all the pain pills I have been taking to help with my chronic pain and insomnia. I found out that marijuana helps treat many other conditions including depression, anxiety, migraines, nausea etc. Now I can legally grow, consume and transport marijuana as my medicine in California. I can legally grow six mature plants or 12 immature plants and have up to 8 ounces as my personal medicine. Im so thrilled with my new doctor that I am telling everyone who could possibly benefit, to check out there website at, feel free to email me for more about my story.
Wow, that’s amazing!
Good luck to you!
I too have my medical card in Oregon. I suffer from migraines, severe back pain,nausea,vomiting, high blood pressure and eating problems. I was a lump on the couch or in bed, with all the drugs the Dr’s. gave me, after 7 years of torture, I tried Marijuana.
I am now among the living again. Yea!!!!!!
I support all Medical Marijuana Patients.
I have the card! Love it!
Is this a question? It is great you got legal!! I to have found benefits from this.
Here is a number to call if you have any questions 1-800-723-0188.
Give me a email if you want to talk :0) I hear California’s shops just got closed down by the federal government is this right?