How to check and adjust the pH of your water by Nebula Haze

This video will show you how to check the pH of your water before using it to water your plants. For soil an optimum pH is between 6.0 and 7.0, or about a 6.5 For hydroponics an optimum pH is between 5.5 and 5.9 Find more information about how to easily grow your own marijuana at home by visiting
when are u going to make more videos?
@RobMonty248 yea not too much oatmeal sorry i should have specified,, i put 1 soggy oatmeal grain per about every 1-2 inch squared, your gonna have to measure it in your head and what looks and feels right, you dont want too much oatmeal juice soaking into your soil, just enough so the weed gets a taste
@RobMonty248 no problem brethren , if you need to up the ph a few then some raw soaked spinach should do the trick,, all natural for the plants is best
@123popbottles123 the oatmeal soil i havent tested yet, letting it soak for the night. Test over next few days..
Thanks again.
@123popbottles123 Thanks i put about 1/30th oatmeal in 5 gallon bucket, suffice?
Guess my ph reader is goofed, soil is to low now.. but im flushing with regular water for now till i get new ph testor. Thank you for your replies. I will use oatmeal from now on!
@RobMonty248 take the oatmeal, pu tit in the soil, soil th esoil
@123popbottles123 Soil, not hydroponics btw…
@123popbottles123 So, mix in some oatmeal into my soil then?
Test it after getn it wet i would assume?
Thank you so much and (a better soil choice next time id assume also.
Is Lime a good addition to the soil, i do recall getting that for ph. have it…
I will read into that again also. thanks..
@RobMonty248 unchlorinated wheat flour. or oatmeal which is 5.5 ph
@RobMonty248 yea the wheat kind, you can use the powder too but if you use too much it will make your soild too thick and sticky.. still make sure you test the ph before ,, i made a mixture that gave me a vibrant 1 pound plant
@123popbottles123 wheat flour?
if you mix flouror wheat(ph 5.5-6.5)in your soil , your plants will be in heaven
NWO have us DRUGGED with a NeuroToxin its not like Cocaine, Pot, Alcohol etc its a TOXIN
its Mercury, Barium, Lead, ARSENIC=rat poison etc see the Chart at 26:32 in Film “PROFESSIONAL PERSPECTIVES” at wwwFluorideActionnet
This Poison is Causing CANCER, ALZEHEIMERS, 1/3 of Population is DEPRESSED thinking of SUCIDE Today
take Pure Water & MAGNESIUM see SCIENTIST youtube =georgeeby
To FEEL GOOD Get your PH upto 7-8
To Cure Cancer get PH 8-9, Their are Different ways to Raise PH
!!!!!!!!!out grow the goverment !!!!!!!!!!
If ya can get 6.8ph that’s ya sweet spot!
@growweedeasy Me as well.I been doing very well with the readings she says.Also thats what i have read on forums as well.Maybe were just lucky?
she sounds like punkoska!
what if your nutes discolor the water BEFORE you add the drops??
I would hella be dat gerls friend
“grow WEED easy”.com ???
@MrRobngail Hello, thanks for checking out my video. I have grown successfully several times and have gotten pretty great yields (2-3 ounces dried per plant, depending on strain and flowering time) so I can assure you that the pH levels I gave won’t kill your plant… Some people like to do higher for hydroponic (5.5-6.8) and they still do well. My plants have always done well at the levels I recommend.
@borntofish559 You can purchase it online (just search for pH kit on or in some gardening stores. Most pet stores also have pH kits for aquariums if there’s nothing else available, though aquarium pH kits may not be formulated to cover the right pH range.
If this girl really does grow knowledgably then she is also lying knowledgably to sabatauge your maiden attempt and discourage future competitors from learning proper dirt or hydro growing.Anyone admitting to using General Hydroponics PH adjustment kits that reports success hasn`t ever used it in soil and it`s a foregone conclusion that they only grow hydroponic or aeroponic.The readings for dirt and hydro in her advice are too low for both.And use in dirt and you`ll KILL it.You`ve been warned.
Is it only available at hydro stores ??
It’s called the “pH control kit by General Hydroponics”