How to Build a bong from scratch

There’s nothing quite like the sound of bubbling smoke your fav herbal mixture 4:20 in a bong. Whether you are an experienced smoker or looking for your first “high” (on legal substances of course), making your own bong or “water-pipe” will be a simple and quick-fix solution to get you out of a tight spot. First you need weed to find a main piece to act as a chamber. This will house the water which will be used to filter the smoke. To select a good chamber peice, look for something easily herbs pierceable or pre-buit with appropirate holes. You will need a basic shape or open mouthed container with a hole on the side. Plastic bottles are good for temporary solutions, glass is best but can be tricky. The best way is to use a glass drill, but be prepared to loose a few bottles.
Next, look for a piece of metal or plastic to act as a barrel connecting the side hole of the chamber to the bowl piece. This will go in angled down to support the spliff bowl on top and send the smoke bubbling chronic through the water. As a general rule it should be about twice to 2.5 times as long as the level of water you want in the bottom, usually about 2-3 inches, making for a barrel roughly 4-7 inches long.
You will need to find a bowl, which can be tricky. It has to have the following just blaze properties: firstly, it must be of a metal or glass or wood not likely to oxidze under the flame of a lighter. This can be seriously hazardous to your health, be warned. Next, it must be able to fit onto the barrel, you can always go down to your local corner store and grab a wood pipe with a removable bowl and affixing it directly to the barrel. This is a good option. There are also many stores where one can obtain a metal piece and bowl. A great place to find them is in tourist areas or tourist shops in malls or flea markets. There is usually lots of them in major urban areas.
Once the bong is assebled it is time to smoke, but first, remember to fill up the bottom with water. For a change, try adding hot water, ice and water, or ice and vodka and gatorade. 10 points for whoever drinks the water and doesn’t barf!
Kulakade is 37 living in Pennsylvannia with his wife and two children, Sandra, and Trevvor. He has been writing for several years for newspapers and magazines all over north america and eastern europe. Kulade is a recipient of The Authors Literary Association of High Regard’s highest honor and is proud member or The Caustic Comedic Tribunal on Hilarious or Terrifying Events. Currently working on his fifth expose, this time featuring the cover up of the events of the Watermark affair.