How much marijuana use is considered heavy?
I’m a straight-A student in high school and I recently started smoking (or actually, vaporizing and ingesting) marijuana. I’ve only been using about once a week. How will this affect my health, especially my brain? There are so many different “facts” about this that all claim to be true. From research or personal experience, how much does once a week smoking weed harm the brain or overall health? Thanks
Also, does LSA (similar to LSD, from seeds of some plants) cause brain damage? I have a friend who uses it.
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Well buddy to start off with your really REALLY stupid for starting…yes your grades will drop and yes you will suck at life now 🙂 get used to it.
stick to weed nothing else… I know successful people who smoke and it does not interfere with any part of their life but only do it because you WANT to not because someone pressured you into trying it.
but stay away from lsa that harms your brain and will start loosing your memory over time and it just makes you dumb.
Why get high off weed when you can get high off LIFE!!!! Think about it…
Hmmm i think your opinion on how much use is heavy use would depend on who you are (lol seriously though) I’ve had people who think 3 or 4 times a week is heavy use while i’d say that’s pretty moderate, & others who think that if you use it everyday, that’s heavy. Once or twice a week is definitely not heavy. I would consider 3 or more times a day pretty heavy…but i do agree that smoking everyday is pretty frequent.
Smoking once or twice a week is not detrimental to your health…especially when you use a vape. Whoever tries to tell you it’s gonna mess with your brain cells or make you stupid, don’t listen to them. It wont.
Also, using a vape greatly limits your exposure to the stuff in the weed that damages your lungs, which is basically the leaf material & the tar…you don’t get thet with the vape. You just get the THC.
& check this out.
I’m not familiar with LSA though but i think that the use of too much LSD can either be positive or very negative. It can really eff some people up, & at the same time can help you realize some realities that you would otherwise not. But anyhoo….can’t tell you much about those…i haven’t done enough research…but i’ve heard that the use of acid & other drugs that can mess with your serotonin can be bad for you if abused.
Yup yup. Peace out homez! 🙂
.. i smoke about an 1/8th everydy i smoke the second i wake up to the second before i go to bed, and let me tell you, my life isist in eleventh grade and i have been smoking this much since i was 13.. (in 17 now) my grades are fine… your heath will be fine, it is NO worse then if you were to smoke ciggarettes. theres a reason that marijuana is considerd a medince. and theres also a reason why its going to be leagal in november, do you honestly think that they wud make something legal that is terrible for ur health??!
I consider heavy use to be daily, and multiple times a time at that. Once or twice a week is mild use and once a month or less is pretty much not using. Don’t step up to the daily and you will avoid ALL problems… This is from personal experience + loads of research. Here are the problems with smoking every week – smoke inhalation (you vape so its ok), and that’s it. Just keep in mind that most strains will make you lazy, which isn’t ok to be ALL the time. In my opinion, nights and weekends are ok times to do it. At the daily level the affects add up, so you might be less productive for more hours out of the week. Just be aware.
Most things (good or bad) you might have heard of are false. I can just say that it’s much safer than cigarettes and alcohol. A person can smoke all day every day for a decade and still be fine… caffeine will do more damage in that same time. Dosage is key.
Here are a few forums you could check out.
cannabis culture
As you could imagine, a good number of marijuana supporters are very health conscious, partly because the government’s main weapon against marijuana is health concerns. Without that they have nothing. This means that if there is a study out there that says marijuana is bad for you, it will probably surface in the forums and discussed. I highly suggest you check them out.
I just noticed you said you are in high school… everything I’ve written is null and void because your brain is probably still developing. I’m not sure when brains are fully developed… but you should probably do some research on that and wait until that time to smoke again. This is the safest thing to do.
Marijuana has been proven not to kill brain cells.
It’s a personal choice we make to use marijuana.
It affects every person in a different way.
I’ve been friends with people who smoke daily (as do I…. have been for years.) and they are the smartest and brightest. They make the non-smokers look like cousin Eddy.
Alright man, after I read the first answer I just skipped the rest of the BS to give you an honest answer from a fellow marijuana indulger/straight A student (former student, graduated college with all A’s and still smoking). I started smoking my sophomore year of high school, once a week, and my grades never fell. by the time I was a senior I smoked almost everyday, even went to class high, and still passed all my classes with A’s, except for one health class that nobody got a A in because the teacher was a dick. So don’t worry about your grades anymore than usual unless your habits change and you stop studying and all that.
Physically, when I smoked once a week as a sophomore I was also playing basketball about 5 days of the week, so that kept me healthy. Now, since I still smoke almost daily, and am no longer on a high school basketball team I can feel that my lungs aren’t as great as they used to be but I can still out play 85% of the guys at the gym despite only playing once every two or three weeks.
Watch the documentary called “The Union” or “Grass.” Both of these show the truth of marijuana. Not so bad, a lot of smart people smoke. Steve Jobs and Ted Turner smoke weed. Turner does, I’ve heard, before he goes on air for television. And Woody Harrelson is a HUGE pot enthusiast, he just kicked a game winning goal for the Soccer Aid match that benefits UNICEF.
ahaha you will be fine, im a straight A student in 11th grade and ive been smoking since 6th. snd you can never smoke to much marijuana, you can never overdose. mostly because by the time you smoked a shitload of weed you wont have the capability to pack another bowl, ahaha
yeah, I agree. Smoking once a week will not drop your grades.
I smoke since 8 years more or less daily.
I am a computer programmer and sometimes even work stoned.
The main problem I have is that I do it too often. I started once a week, like you.
But it is just so nice, so its easy to use it more and more often. And than its not that nice anymore.
Anyway, people that have their life in order will not be brought off the right path by Marijuana,
U’ll B prfectly fyne smooking unly unce pr week. It dusn’t mes upp ur brane or enytheeng lyke thay tel u it wyll.
doing it before school is heavy we have had so many suspensions in are school because of that