How many people are going to die from marijuana overdoses before liberals quit advocating legalization?

Marijuana is an extremely dangerous drug. It’s illegal for a very good reason!
Marijuana is an extremely dangerous drug. It’s illegal for a very good reason!
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Liberals are too busy trying to ban tobacco, what makes you think they are going to legalize marijuana.
Edit: no one has died from a marijuana overdose. It’s not possible.
I can garuntee you for absolute 100% certainty that AT LEAST 20 times as many people will die from alcohol and nicoteine related diseases. Why are these drugs legal?
If marijuana was made legal it could be monitored, regulated – and above all else, taxed the hell out of.
Have you ever smoked pot? In comparison to legal drugs – nicotine, alcohol, prescription narcotics – it is the least harmful. No one has EVER overdosed on marijuana.
How about 1.
The next person who dies from a marijuana “overdose” will be the first.
How many more people will die from alcohol and tobacco as I write this?
Legalize it, tax the hell out of it.
I for one am not a liberal, but an overdose on marijuana. You have anything to back this up. I figure its illegal because its too hard to tax since it can be grown almost anywhere. I say legalize it, it was legal before. The taxes that could be collected off of it becoming legal would greatly help. Also with it being legal it would cut down on it being laced with other drugs such as pcp, and it would be for the most part controlled by the goverment. Make it legal and tax the hell out of it, you could go to your local corner pharmacy dealer and get a quad for 40, or the gas station and get a quad for 10 which one would win out.
you cant overdose on marijuana you will pass out before you can kill yourself.
The only way you could overdose is if they lock you in a room and constantly blow smoke in the room (but even then you’d probably die from suffication)
No one has ever died of a marijuana overdose, so short answer is zero.
The harm MJ does is more subtle than death. Mostly, it causes the user to waste a lot of time–it makes boredom acceptable. Alcohol and tobacco kill many times more people than marijuana.
Besides, only the far left advocate legalization. Don’t read ‘liberals’ as ‘democrats’–most democrats do not support legalization.
You sir, are misinformed. Vastly more people die from tranquilizer overdoses, but you don’t advocate making them illegal do you? What about from drinking too much alcohol? Cigarettes are one of the biggest killers, oh, but too many Republicans get rich from growing tobacco, so we better leave that legal. What hypocrisy.
You don’t overdose from marijuana. Some people might get addicted, but those who do usually have a problem in the first place (no motivation, for example).
So stop talking about things you know nothing about. You’re being ridiculous!
More people have died from having sex (heart attacks) then ever have died from smoking pot… So is making sex illegal the answer? Hmmmmmm I believe liberals are there to keep governmental control out of our lives, they aren’t there to make pot smoking legal it’s all about governmental control. After all isn’t that why this country first started to get away from governmental control???
additional note…. no one has ever died from an overdose of pot! It’s not possible. But you can die from an overdose of asprin.. Lets all go get the liberals for allowing asprin to be legal…
Obviously you have not done ANY research on this subject at all. No one has died from marijuana. BUT lots have people have died from alcohol poisoning and diseases such as cancer and emphysema from cigarettes which are legal.
Legalize and tax it!
It’s illegal because the DuPont company didn’t want hemp grown for rope to compete with their new (in the early 30’s) product nylon.
You obviously have never tried pot, never researched anything about it, and believe anything you’re told. It is impossible to overdose on marijuana.
Please give us the true statistics of all of the persons who have died from the use of cannabis? This sounds like more “Refer Madness”…. Methamphetamine is one of the most horrific drugs besides alcohol… real
good luck & bless
Liberals think there is no problem until it happens to THEM. Then they want the world to stop and help them, when they didn’t give a rat’s arse about anyone else before.
Not sure where you are getting your info. Nobody has ever overdosed on marijuana. At least not that I’ve ever heard…I know a few that have tried!lol……..I feel that alcohol abuse and tobacco is more dangerous.
A marijuana overdose? Where do you get your information?
I dont think conservatives understand satire.
it’s always tricky
take alcohol – it clearly causes a lot of deaths (health, driving accidents, domestic violence, etc.). it was made legal because during Prohibition governments saw that the traffic of alcohol was causing so much violence that it was hurting public safety. Government was also bothered by the fact that what could have been tax dollards, ended up in the pockets of alcohol traffic gangs (Al Capone and others).
So they liberalised alcohol. Tough to decide whether, overall, it was good, or bad, for Society as a whole. Maybe it initially was bad, but nowadays that people drink much, much less, maybe it was good in the end?
Marijuana is the same thing. It is far from innocent to the health. It has bad side effects (long-term brain damage, near-term distraction causing road accidents, though it does not seem to cause violence). Being illegal it involves trafficking by gangs, meaning gang violence, meaning the traffick money goes into the hands of gangs instead of being tax money.
on tobacco the stance used to be full liberalisation, but this has come back in the past decade or so. In the past the public didn’t know / think / bother about cancer, in recent years people have been more more bothered by the though / social cost / actual medical costs. In the past the tobacco grower / seller lobby was quite powerful and today it is less powerful.
on hard drugs most people seem clearly against any liberalisation. But then if you take specific examples, the Bush administration has encouraged cocaine / opium, by invading Afghanistan for no (good) reason and removing a government that was not very democratic, but at least had succeeded in removing pretty much all of the opium production. Now a not better government is in place, which allows opium production so Afghanistan can again supply over 90% of the world. I find it quite paradoxil that Conservatives should have spent taxpayers money on this!
I know that some Liberal groupds advocate its liberalisation. What you find is that some more Economics, than Liberals, groups also advocate the liberalisation, on purely economic grounds (The Economist newspaper does advocate it, although they’ve always been in favour of the intervention in Iraq, typically fought by the Liberals).
now if you look at the Netherlands where marijuana is mostly legal, it is tough to argue that the wide use has done a lot of good (although it’s tough to prove it has done a lot of bad – apart from the fact that whole blocks are heavy around drug and sex which makes for a pretty nasty atmosphere and petty crime).
it’s a difficult issue to decide and if this was ever put to vote in my country I’d have a tough time coming up with a decision
hope this helps?
I understand that it is still an illegal drug, but NO ONE HAS EVER OVERDOSED ON POT, and if they did, then the consequences are so minimal that no one ever noticed. I used to smoke pot when I was younger, and it is not that big a deal. The worst thing is that it is a “gateway drug”.
The fight to legalize pot has been going on for YEARS. All the major cigarette manufacturers have had marijuana cigarette packs printed and on standby since the early 90’s in case it ever does get legalized. Try to do your homework a little more before posting idiotic questions or statements. Legalizing pot would help to drop the crime rate, help to empty out the jails, and also help to get a handle on the import or manufacture of more dangerous drugs like crystal meth and cocaine. Not to mention that the tax benefits would be ENORMOUS. If you put a $1 dollar tax on each and every gram of pot sold in the US, that plus sales tax would add several BILLION dollars to the US economy in the FIRST TWO YEARS. Think about that for a while.
The government has labeled MJ as a dangerous drug, other countries have not and allow it’s use. It is illegal in neighboring countries because the USA threatened sanctions if they did not follow suit unlike other prescription drugs you can buy over the counter in Mexico and Canada. I saw your other post about this and can honestly say in all my time in law enforcement assigned to various narc task forces, I have never once heard of anyone OD-ing on marijuana. Never ever. Now plenty have died from laced marijuana and I am sure if someone had a strong enough allergic reaction to it they could die – but the actual marijuana wouldn’t be the cause just the carrier. Like when a kid spaz’s out after eating a peanut….The peanut didn’t cause it his reaction to it did. I seriously doubt the information you were given and would question the heck out of it if it were my child.
Get your facts straight hunny-there is no such thing as a marijuana overdose. it is physically impossible to do. marijuana is not exactly any more dangerous that cigarettes besides the fact that marijuana smoke is a little worse for your lungs. however, cigarettes contain arsenic, cyanide, formaldehyde, ammonia….do you know what these things are? there are over 500 additives to cigarettes that make them addictive, they also contain carbon monoxide which is a deadly odorless gas that results in millions of deaths each year, yet they are legal. i have never lost a loved one to a marijuana related death, but have lost many loved ones to lung cancer caused from smoking cigarettes. so i think the question shouldn’t be about something that doesn’t exist, such as a ‘marijuana overdose’, but rather how many people is the government gonna let die before they decide the lives & children of our american citizens are more important than getting rich off of a bunch of deadly chemicals & carcinogens rolled up in a nifty little piece of paper?
marijuana is not only a ‘drug’, it is a powerful analgesic. when it comes to relieving pain associated with various different ailments, for example cancer (which my husband is going thru right now), marijuana works better than anything else. now lets keep something else in mind here also-every drug-such as marijuana, herion, ecstacy, speed-all these drugs-were at one time legal in this country. it’s only when people lost all self control and did things in excess & created abuse did these things become illegal. out of all of these things in the world we have, out of cigarettes, all the other illicit drugs-marijuana is THE least of our worries. Do some research, you’ll be suprised.
just another little piece of information-people who go to jail because of a small amount of marijuana on average spend more time in jail thatn say a lot of rapists, muderers. Nice huh.
I don’t know where you got your information but, you cannot overdose on marijuana. How many people die from alcohol,heroin and crack? I am not a liberal and I do not smoke it , but I do think it should be legalized-it would create jobs,raise money from taxes and it would clear up some prison space for violent criminals.
marijuana overdoses?
I don’t and have never smoked marijuana but I can tell you that marijuana is probably the safest drug out there.
Cigarettes and Alcohol are more dangerous than pot.
Pot is not addicting.. Cigarettes and Alcohol are…
You don’t die from smoking pot.
it’s not a pill or an injection.
I say legalize it and make the ones that smoke it pay the high takes on that instead of us paying high taxes on gas other stuff.
Texas went up on Taxes for cigarettes but not alcohol which is stupid because alcohol kills people much faster than a cigarette does. You can smoke a cigarette and drive and not kill. you drink alcohol and drive and you could kill a whole family that was just on the way to the park.