how many days does it takes for marihuana to clear up off my urine?

Is there something I can take or drink to make it clear up faster??
Is there something I can take or drink to make it clear up faster??
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I think its a month, but I have no clue if that true….not a bud smoker.
Few months?
It’s weeks or even months… not days. No, you can’t get it out any faster.
a couple of months and no
it takes a while!! hopefully u dont have drug tests at work
22 days exact experminted with it i know if u did a dime to 3 dimes 22 days more 4 more extra days per dime. Yep ive got it down to an exact.
i heard drinking a shot of windex clears it out
but i wouldnt try it
Apple Cider Vinegar… Cranberry Juice
And it’s Marijuana
If your gonna smoke it, learn to spell it
everyone is different, it could take a few months though, i dont think there is anyway to speed it up either.
a month or two. just drink lots of water and dont smoke or ingest any products with bud in them. also if you need immediate satisfaction you can buy products that leave it undetected for a few hours.
It takes 30 days for the average person. If you are lean (low body fat level) then you will clear faster than an overweight or average body weight person. You can flush your system by taking ninacin pills,drinking lots of water, and by purchasing a toxin “flushing” drink. Eat lots of vitamin A and C, and selenium.
well first of all, don’t do it! it’s bad for you anyway I’m surprised you still living’. just say no. if you don’t do it maybe your “urine” will be cleaner. and how you goin do the drug and you don’t even know how to spell it!? but anyway just don’t do it. it’s better to say no then to kill yourself! SAY NO! Get off of that drug! Don’t do any, how bout that!
None, if you don’t use it.
Marijuana has legitimate medical uses. When you and others with your mindset choose to abuse it, you’re making it very, very difficult for people with nausea from cancer treatments, with glaucoma and with chronic severe pain and muscle spasms to get it when they need it.
Stop being to selfish.
No dude. The active ingredient of marijuana is THC, and it is stored in your fat cells of your body. Depending on how much you smoke…it won’t be days, but weeks until you get clear. If you’re a regular smoker, then give it between 4 to 6 weeks to get clear. There is NOTHING that will clear you up, or mask the drugs in urine. Maybe 20 years ago you could have done it, but now with the way that technology is… way. The only way to clear it up is to quit smoking it. Best of luck to you.
Drink a Whole bunch of water it clears faster but weed only take 2 days-12 weeks to clear
Waiting is the only way to do this. Many masking products that interfere with the test will just cause hte sample to be rejected. If you smoke every day, it could take up to 6 weeks for it to clear out, once a week it could take as short as a few days.
Other tips
1) Don’t make it your first pee of the day, that has high solvent
2) The first few drops have the highest solvents, so “miss the cup” for the first half second.
3) Don’t drink more than 8 oz fluid each 3 hours on the day of the test, too much dilution will reject sample
4) Eat carbs and drinks high in sugar the 2-3 days before the test. Metabolising fat will release the chemicals into your blood/urine, if you have higher blood sugar your body won’t burn fat.
5) If you’re not sure, get sick on the day of the test. 24 hours could make the difference between pass and fail.
i have been smokind for 14 years. everytime i need to pass a test i get this stuff called magnum there are 2 sizes get the big one its like 30 bucks… any local smoke shop
About 3 weeks, and no, there is nothing you can drink or do to get it out of your blood stream sooner. Try to get some one elses urine if you have to take a drug test.
as many days as it takes you to learn how to spell correctly.
in a non smart ass way,
it takes a month.
I know people who drink massive amounts of water but that is dangerous (water intoxication death) and passes. There is also a product called Magnum that is guaranteed to work that you can purchase in a smoke shop or on the Internet.
On average, it takes about 30 days to clear from urine. Bad news, hair follicle tests will be at least 6 months or longer dependent on how long you have used.
Not trying to preach, however, if you are supposed to get drug tested the best advice is to give it up.
Good luck to you
i deal with this all the time,,, it can take weeks,months,and months, no 2 people are alike,,, and all this advice that people tell to take and it will remove traces of drugs in your body.. this is not true,, i have seen people that actually drink rat poision, because some one told them it would work to remove drugs from the system….. so much for not dulling the senses…
usually takes about 30 days to clear from urine samples and longer though im not completely sure how long to clear weed from hair cells. Try drinking alot of water (not like lethal amounts) but enough to stimulate you’re liver functions sufficiently that it works overtime to get rid of the stuff.
they say one month to six month. depending on how much you use. i was surprised when i passed i test after only stopping for three weeks.
drinking lots of water helps. but time helps the best. sad that meth is out of the system in a few days. when medical marijuana can help the tweakers get off that evil crap. but once you are in the “drug diversion” program you are stuck.