How long does weed stay in your system and what happens if the test results come back positive?

I smoke rarely… we’re talking weed here. About once every once a week. for only the past month. everytime out of this killer bong. i want to know how long will it stay in my system, since i have a drug test coming up for work. i think the test (urine) is in about 2 weeks or so.
also, lets say the results say i do have something in my system, what happens then? do i simply not get the job im applying for or do i can in trouble with the police?
again, only smoke about once a week, for the past 4 weeks, out of a bong, weed is either kush, chronic, etc.
If you smoke rarely and have been clean for at least one week, you should have no problem passing the test and you shouldn’t worry at all.
it stays in your system for a month after your last smoke, so if your test is in 2 weeks you are in trouble.
ive heard there are herbal tonics you can take that will lessen or poss eliminate the toxins. check them out at a health store etc.
btw rarely smoking weed is once every 6 months…..
Weed is in your system for at least 30 days. If a hair sample is taken it can detect weed presence for up to a year. No, you will not get in trouble with the cops but of course you won’t get the job either. Good Luck.
it stays in for about 2 weeks dirnk a lot of water to clear your system and no they cant call the cops no matter how much since they are taking some of your dna you are under a confidentiality agreement
How long it stays in your system depends on how much and how frequently you smoke and how fit you are.
THC stores itself in your fat cells, so the more fat cells you have, the longer it takes to leave the body. 30 days is standard, but it can vary.
If you come back testing positive on a drug test as a condition of employment you will only be denied employment, the police are not involved.
Oh, and don’t listen to these jamokes who tell you to drink a lot of water, all that does is dilute your urine and you will be asked to retest because they couldn’t get a read on it the first time.
I used to be a probation officer, trust me when I tell you that nothing will stop you from testing positive if you’ve smoked recently and it’s still in your system.
I think you are gunna be fine, just dont smoke weed untill after the test. It wont take 30 days unless you have smoked a lot everyday and even then people with fast metabolism can pass it in less then 30.
Its too late.. the weed has already caused irreversible stupidity… theres no going back now…lol
The hair follicle test can detect the use of marijuana up tp 90 days!
It stays in your system for about 30 days. Longer if you have a slow metabolism. There are drinks that help cleanse and mask the THC in your system. There is also a device called the Wizinator that you fill with a urine like solution, it keeps it at right temperature and you fill the cup with it. I know some stoners that have used both methods with success and some that have failed, I think a lot has to do with the lab that processes the sample. My advice would be to quite smoking dope.