How long does weed stay in my hair if i smoked it once?

If i smoked weed 1 time and tok 2 bong hits, how long will it last in my hair follicles?
If i smoked weed 1 time and tok 2 bong hits, how long will it last in my hair follicles?
i smoked a week ago and i have to get a blood test tomorrow to get my student... Read More »
I’m taking a drug test because I have just been employed by best buy. I was wondering approximately... Read More »
I have not smoked for 2 weeks, I used to smoke almost everyday In blunts, no bongs or... Read More »
How long will it stay in your HAIR?
atleast 10 weeks, and that’s with a miracle. A hair drug test is different from a blood / urine test. It doesn’t matter if you smoked it once or on a regular basis
Generally hair up to 3-5 cm from the scalp is taken for testing and on average it gives reading of a dose taken 90 days back. It entirely depends on the length of your hair and even body hair can be used as a substitute for testing in lieu of absence of scalp hair.
Actually it does matter if you smoked it once or 10 times.
It’s interesting how sites can use language to remain in bounds with the truth but be dis-ingenuous at the same time. The above poster’s link is a prime example. That site knows damn well a hair drug test isn’t going back 3 years, and knows head hair is cut 3-5 cm but then throw in “it entirely depends on length of hair” as if that really means anything. They know that drug tests cut to 3-5 cm no matter how long hair is. Just a way to throw in a cheap scare tactic. So in THEORY yes, but for hair drug test NO.
When you pass this test; and you likely will, hit me up with a quick reply by email
Always like to hear when people pass these things.
Below is a answer I already gave to someone else; but it will provide some information for you on how it works.
Hair drug test answers are the most entertaining for me because so many provide such wildly inaccurate information.
First: Hair follicle tests cannot pick up drug useage 3 to 10 days prior to the test. This is due to the hair not growing through the scalp in time to be taken for the sample.
Head hair grows a half inch per month plus or minus a few tenths of an inch. If your hair grows really fast it may only take 3 days to go from the bulb, where metabolites are collecting, to then grow past the scalp, whereby it can be taken to be used in the sample; if your hair grows really slow, that process could take 10 days.
Second: The sample that is collected contains between 30 to 70 strands of hair. No matter how long your hair is, the $5 an hour employee who cuts your hair puts all of it in a sealed bag. At the lab, the $7.50 an hour tech measures and cuts hair to one and a half inches from base and throws the rest out. The one and a half inches is tested; with a possible detection time of 3 to 4 months, depending on how slow your hair grows.
Third: In order to fail, they must get concentrations above the cut off level; so even if they detect trace amounts you will still PASS if the amount of concentration level is lower than the cut off.
Four: Extremely small amounts of metabolites get trapped in the hair bulb as the hair cells are forming. And they do not get trapped evenly; at random, some hairs get more, some get less, and some get none at all trapped in the hair strand.
Statistically when they get 30 to 70 hair strands the lab’s odds are greater to get a hit than if they only had one strand to test. And the lab is at the nanogram level so they don’t need much. But depending on which drug they are testing for, the amount has to exceed that level or you pass.
Hair drug tests are not good at picking up low dose or infrequent use; and drug test companies often times hate to admit that, but other hair drug test companies freely do admit that it is one of their weaknesses (and it’s about their only weakness).
I am not advocating that this means you are guaranteed to pass if you only popped one to three pills or smoked weed one to three times during detection period; but you are more likely to pass than fail. Once you go beyond 2 or 3 times during detection period; you will almost always fail. The odds of a fail continue to increase the more you did drugs in detection zone. (With marijuana its harder to calculate because much depends on quality and how much you inhaled.)
The smartest call you can make is not to do any drugs in detection zone prior to an upcoming hair test; but if it’s too late then you might still be safe if you kept your drug usage during detection period to a minimum.
Too many false answers claiming guaranteed to fail or hair tests goes back 20 years, or they can pick up what you had for breakfast 40 years ago. Or the one I love the most is; it doesn’t matter how short short your hair is because they still detect back 3 years. I guess these people think, your old hair tells the newly born hair what drugs you did years ago and just passes the information along from generation to generation of hair.
The test cannot detect metabolites if there aren’t any in sample. If your head hair sample is a half inch long, your detection time is 2 to 6 weeks.
If your head hair is less than an inch and a half long, they are often authorized to take body hair. Body hair grows at slower rate and could, but not often, but could detect drug use up to a year back. It is not to your advantage to give them body hair, so don’t shave your head just before the test. You are risking potentially longer detection times and more unpredictable results.
Below are three sites that explain this hair test in more detail. Keep in mind that all 3 are trying to sell you their products so they slant their information a bit.