How long does marihuana stays on the system?
hey i weight about 260 lbs and i smoked for like about 3 months…the thing is that i got caught by my dad …and now he wants me to get a job and i have an interview…so probably they will put me to a drug test…should i skip the interview and try when im clean or i have chances to get clean before the interview?
Since you’re heavy and smoked for a while, you have to wait about 2 months, maybe even 3 months for it to finally flush out of your system. If you change your habits now and get on a healthy-habit-high, then you might be able to clear out the marijuana even faster. Also, you don’t have to get drug tests right away for most minimum wage jobs. If you’re working at a “club” type of place, then you probably do.
probaly around about 56 days but that could be reduce quite a bit if u burned ur fat througth exercise. ie the lingering chemical is stored in fat cells. if there is less fat cells then the quicker it goes.
30 days.
if you want it out faster drinks lots of water, about 4-8 litters if you could do it. just watch out for water intoxication, that can kill you. stop smoking weed and drink the water you may be able to shorten it down to a week if you are lucky.
marahuananaan stays in your system for:
first time or very occasional user: 3 days to 2 weeks
occasional user: 2 to 3 weeks
regular user: about 3 to six weeks
heavy user: up to 2 months
2-8 weeks i believe, but there are teas that you can drink to cleanse your system. Go to a place like GNC and see.