How I use my kale, collards and other winter vegetables that I grow in my garden.

John from shows you some ways that he uses the vegetables that he grows in his garden.
John from shows you some ways that he uses the vegetables that he grows in his garden.
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Now is the time to plant kale, collards, broccoli, etc in South Florida and other parts of florida. (if there is no snow on the ground!)
Great video. When do you plant your greens(kale, collards, broccoli, lettuce)? I live in Florida, and I want to start a garden.
The problem is that the greens are hard to cram in to the Samson juicer and I like to drink it immediatly before it loses it’s vitality. I’m like you, I don’t want to store my juice!
post continued…also I removed the other posts because I double posted.
So, now I would like to buy that Omega vert I think it’s called, that you demonstrated on another video. It’s the one with the big upright augar so it revolves just as slow but juices faster and the feed shoot is wider.
You are so encouraging! I feel like I just got a big warm hug.
Probably because you exude kindness.
I have a Breville that I know does not produce the best quality juice but it’s convienant. I have a Greenlife juicer but after years of cleaning that huge contraption I finally bought a Samson because I read it was convienant to clean and would make me juice more often.
Running out of room….
Its always good, better, best. Baked kale chips are better than baked potato chips.. Dried kale chips are better than baked kale chips. Its still good. We want to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. Try to eat them as minimally processed as possible. So dip kale into dressing and eat it that way! its the best. Kale should have 12″ spacing between plants, but I have done 10″
If I purchase them from the store, or a farmers market, I most of the time wash them before eating. If I pick it from my yard, and its fresh, and appears to not have any residues and/or bugs on it, I do not wash it. I will cover this in an upcoming episode.
Do you wash your fresh vegetables before you eat them? I mean I would assume you would, but this video, besides a drop or two of water on the cutting board, I saw the leaves very dry. Plus I have seen you just pick some thing to show it and then eat it. I know it is in your yard, but not sure if you still wash it in case birds or other pests fly over or jump into etc.
I second that. If nothing else PBS! I like them the best anyway. You could even just use 5-15 minute skits like you do here. They have some shows that are like that. It was a comedy show about cooking for rich people. Only for a few minutes long but I thought it was hilarious. Your vids would work perfectly except for seriousness. You would just need to have an opening and probably a closing.
I’ve been thinking about kale lately. Does kale lose a lot of it’s nutritional value if you eat it baked, like kale chips? Is it still very good for you?
Also I bought some blue curly kale seedlings and I want to grow them in a 3 gallon container, like 12 by 12 by 12 inches . . . I have 5 little plants in there. Do you think that’s enough room? Thanks!
So glad I finialy got to this vidio. I was wondering what you did with all the food? I basicaly have been watching all day going from the oldest to latest
Some of the vids on your chanel are not in order, or at least that’s how it seems to me. I am still triing to find the one where you where on your roof and talking about the beds. You are part of the reasion youtube is so great!
Most common vegetables can be eaten raw. Some in this video, and that I grow in winter (seasons are reversed in australia) are: kale, collards, chard, spinach, lettuce, stinging nettles, dandelion, mallow (malva), bok choi, brocolli leaves, cauliflower leaves, arugula, mache, sorrel, cabbage, plantain… These are the common names. Of course, there are many ‘varities” within each grouping, ie: for kale, they have red russian kale, white siberian kale, dino (lacticino) kale, etc., etc.
Hi John
I m french (moved in Australia) and don’t know all the names of vegetables that you are talking about. Would you mind, if you have a minute, to note for me (and for people from other countries) the list of the vegetables that you eat raw during the winter? Thanks
We just moved in our first home and your videos will help me to tranform our big garden as a vegetable one ! Youhou, less grass to mow!!
Thanks for your time
I do not can my tomatoes. While canning your own tomatoes is better than buying canned tomatoes, the best way to get the most nutrition is to process tomatoes with “low heat” to preserve the enzymes. The best way is to eat tomatoes fresh, next would be either dehydrating or freezing.
Have you ever tried canning so you’re still getting the juices from your tomatoes?
GREAT DEMO ! as always.
so cool !! thanks for the videos !
I agree with BuddyClubVideo, you should have a show on HGTV or Food Network or the Green Planet channel!
We are eating Collard Green, Cilantro and Lettuce right out of the garden here in Arizona. And, of course, loving it. Nice video, great job.
Great video and information, John! Can’t wait for the next one, thanks.
great point about not tasting the greens in the shake cause even get my 4 yr old daughter LOVES to drink these shakes with a ton of spinach…thanks for all your great vids!! awesome! love the combo video of picking it and preparing it….thanks!
Our “Winter Garden” is currently 2 feet under snow. We can’t even find the damn greens.
I wonder why with all the popularity of food and cooking shows, nothing like what you are doing is currently on TV. You do a good job and have a wealth of knowledge. I’d have to imagine Food Network or the like would be benefited with your abilities.
wow! this is a really good vid! O_O
You sure do have a lot of produce! Tanks for the vid, gret info. I’ve freezed tomatoes but I cooked them afterward….because they weren’t that pleasant to eat…they tasted great tho.