how good is my yugioh deck?
Vampire lady
tenkabito shien
cyber dragon
pith black warewolf
obnoxiouc celtic gaurd
total defense shogun
ryu kokki
chiron the mage
lava golem
legandary fiend
mystical beast of serket
dark jeriod
viser des
malevolent catastrophe
nightmare wheel
mirrior force
metal refelct slime
sakuretsu armor
cofin seller
trap jammer
threatning roar
dust tornade
negate attack
covering fire
draining shield
shadow spell
ordeal of the traveler
a rival appears
foolish burial
temple of kings
nightmare steelcage
mystical space typhoon2x
pot of greed
monster reborn2x
heart of clear water
malevolent nuzzler
black pendant
swords of revealing lights
lightning vortex
meteor of destruction
this deck is so i can play with my friends if any of them are illegal i dont care but
rate my deck 1-10
do u think it can beat my friends elemental hero deck
elemental decks are pretty good. take out your cyber dragon and i think its a 8.
Since the deck has more than 40 cards, and since its not built off card-searching, the chances of you drawing the cards you want to draw are minimal. You should take out some cards to make it a 40 card deck, that way you have the highest chance possible of drawing good card(s).
Also, you seem to not have a good enough balance between monsters 4 stars or less and monsters greater than 4 stars. You may find trouble being able to summon the monsters in your hand, as there is a great chance that every monster in your hand will be greater than 4 stars.
I would give this a 5/10, hope this helps
Just a rate without a fix, i would give this a 7ish just because it has serket and temple of the kings (you dont care about illegal cards) if it doesnt have that, then like a 5.
Depends on your friends deck and depends on what type of elemental deck, i dont think you can beat a Abs-0 deck, but if your friends deck is just a structure or something maybe haha
Deck is random and banned, I dunno your friends deck, but if he builds his deck like yours than I dunno, it will beboth random with horrible useless cards