How does this make you feel?

Peter McWilliams
Peter was a world-famous author and an advocate of medical marijuana, not only because he believed in it in principle, but because it was keeping him alive (he had AIDS and non-Hodgkins lymphoma). After California passed a law legalizing medical marijuana, Peter helped finance the efforts of Todd McCormick to cultivate marijuana for distribution to those who needed it for medical reasons. Federal agents got wind of his involvement, and Peter was a target for his advocacy. He was arrested, and in federal court was prevented from mentioning his medical condition or California’s law. While he was on bail awaiting sentencing, the prosecutors threatened to take away his mother’s house (used for bail) if he failed a drug test, so he stopped using the marijuana which controlled his nausea from the medications and allowed him to keep them down. He was found dead on the bathroom floor, choked to death on his own vomit.
jwthrough i just wanted to say how stupid you are and that if you died i would piss on your grave…..not because of your different views but because of your lack of compassion for this great man who wanted to help others…he died because the marijuana was the only thing that kept his food down, and there have been 0 cases of lung cancer due to marijuana smoke that is a fact….
You can die from almost any pill you cant die from marijuana
You cant get lung cancer from marijuana and i know you can die from lung cancer….he died from choking to death on his vomit, the marijuana kept his nausea under control so yes it was keeping him alive…and i don’t care about his beliefs
Marijuana does contain cancer causing chemicals but the thc prevents cancer here is a link i hope you will find very interesting.
And the aids patient was trying to get people high??? WTF He obviously had a horrible disease and used the marijuana for medicinal purposes. He died from vomiting because the medicines that are somehow safer than marijuana as you say made him extremely nauseous. And why would your friend drive off a mountain thats gotta be one of the stupidest things ive ever heard lol You probably made up that story..what mountain was it? Were you with him? if so…Why didnt you do anything to stop him?
Also i bet you googled “does smoking marijuana cause lung cancer” and clicked the first link haha
This annoys me, it sounds like they wanted him to die.
It shows that the medical marijuana farce is pure BS. If he had been on other, more effective and less harmful to the patient, drugs, he would still be alive.
The fact is that the entire “medical marijuana” battle is based on lies and money, not on reality. Smoking marijuana is more harmful to your lungs than taking other pain and anti-nausea drugs are on your liver.
ADDED: You are absolutely wrong. Marijuana has more carcinogens than Tobacco. It is much more harmful to the lungs and there are many pills that would have provided the same benefit without the REAL purpose of getting high. And YES YOU CAN DIE FROM POT, but not from your traditional overdose. A friend of mine got very high and died after feeling the urge to see if he could drive down the side of a mountain…HE COULDN’T. So, @$$HOLE, you have no idea where I am coming from.
He was not trying to help anyone. He was trying to make getting high legal.
Waergod…although pot does not cause violence…except when laced…if you think that alcohol causes stupidity and pot doesn’t, you are fooling yourself. Pot causes idiots.
That is a old story from 2000. Thank God Obama stopped Feds from attacking people in states that have Med, pot so it will not happen again.
Of course you can die from lung cancer. Fool.
Marijuana wan’t keeping anyone alive. It alleviates pain and reduces swelling in the eye. That’s the extent of its medical benefits. It doesn’t boost immune systems, or make your body stop attacking itself.
I have to point out that it IS this type of thing that make people suspicious. I assume if you had a real argument, you’d make it. Instead you exaggerate and just outright lie. Which is a shame. Having been legally blind for a short time, I would’ve agreed that saving someone’s eyes might be worth the cancer risk. But oh no, you make a mockery and then insult someone for pointing out a counter-argument.
EDIT: Hey, pot head! See, you are only reinforcing people’s belief that all weed users are idiots. Did you read the article? Did you read the two studies attached? Not only can you get lung cancer from it, it causes other cancers, too.
If you’re worried about choking on your vomit, I’d suggest leaning over and letting gravity do its work.
Stop hurting your cause.
Everyone has an opinion a reefer, it is funny though how you can have an opinion when you have no experience with the subject at hand. I personally hate booze, it kills, breaks up families and is bad for your health! If my parents had not of been weekend drinkers they would of stayed together and would of had a legacy to pass down to their children. If they had smoked pot instead my life would be different today. Booze leads to stupidity and violence. My 70 year old uncle smoked it to ease nausea during his chemo treatments,and he was a straight as an arrow. The American gov, could be taxing it, and they wouldn’t have to tax so much on other things such as gas. Most people against legalizing this herb are die hard boozers who have pickled their brain beyond the point of making a smart decision about their owns lives much less a decision that may effect others.