How do you arrange an interview with a pot farmer?

I know, it sounds like a really stupid question for obvious reasons. But I’m writing a book that takes place in Humboldt County, the main character goes to work on his uncle’s farm for a summer, which turns out to be a pot farm.
So for the sake of realism in the story, i’d like to get a feel of what a large-scale, outdoor grow op is really like. And the most obvious way to do that is to interview an actual pot grower.
The difficulty with doing this is that no pot farmer in his right mind would respond to a craig’s list ad or host a website set up to arrange tours for the obvious fact that any federal officer could “arrange an interview” and waltz right in and arrest the guy.
So as I asked before; is there any other way that I could get ahold of a pot farmer for the sake of an interview and tour of their farm?
Please, please, please…im begging you not to waste my time with an answer that doesn’t help.
please don’t leave any opinions or irrelevant comments. i just want answers, not your personal imput on the matter.
Exactly what Indieman said. There are documentaries that interview licensed pot farmers all the time, i just want to know HOW they do it.
He’s not the f*cking idiot that i need not pay any attention to, he’s the only one whose come up with a constructive suggestion.
Go about it very carefully, some pot dealers are very hesitant about who they talk to about their farm.
My advice would be to find someone who trusts you who knows a dealer with a farm. Get the dealer’s number and explain the situation to them. You may have to wait a while in order to gain their trust since they might suspect you to be a cop. You must also reassure them that their name/location won’t be used in the book, it’s just merely for reference.
If people are going to say don’t listen to me, at least give good reasons.
There was a documentary on NGC where the interviewer and camera crew were all given access to the farm and still showed the growers face. Granted, he had a state liscense for growing the pot, it still shows that this isn’t impossible. With that said, the asker has a better shot at getting an interview with no camera’s and not revealing any specific details that would put the farmer and his farm in jepordy. Saying someone WILL get shot is irrational. Someone could get shot for anything no adays. That is why I said somehow talk to the farmer on the phone to see if he would be somewhat willing or not. If any hesitence is heard, it might not be a good idea. But to say that every farmer is inevitably paranoid is untrue. It all depends who you ask.
it’s a great idea you have but as a recovered drug addict, I can promise you that no one is going to give you an interview because of paranoia. you may just need to do research a different way.
Since I was best friends with drug dealers long ago I know a lot of what I shouldn’t. I may be able to help you with some questions.
Email me through my profile, i’ll try to answer some questions
and FYI: please don’t do what Indieman says. once again, good idea but it will get somebody shot
Will never happen, get some High Times magazines and read,
basically it boils down to hard work, water, feed, and cut and cure.
I don’t have that kind of connections… But I heard California would be the best place to go to answer your questions.
Or at least research a well known pot farmer.
very carefully. put a request on craigslist.