How do I start my own medical marijuana dispensary/farm?
I would like to start my own medical marijuana dispensary/farm in California after I graduate high school and college.
I’m currently a Junior in high school in Ohio.
I think that medical marijuana will be a field of employment that I can do good in. I have an interest in botany and I think that marijuana has plenty of health benefits for those that choose to smoke it. I personally don’t smoke it and I don’t really plan on smoking it but I think that by growing it I could help relieve several people of their suffering caused by various illnesses. I want to go to college for paralegal studies or pre-law, that way I have something to fall back on if my marijuana farm doesn’t thrive.
I was wondering if any of you could give me any information on how I should go about getting all the permits and education for starting a marijuana farm. I’m planning on going to Barnes and Noble this week and getting a book on growing pot but I thought I’d post a question on here beforehand to see what books people suggest.
Thanks. 🙂
Just follow your heart.
Babe in Farmland. For now you go to school, fight for the cause and follow the Industry. You don’t need to buy a book on growing and have time to learn about permits – as you say this is several years out. Start with,, has the CA legal guide. In 3 years when you begin to seek out employment it will be good to have something to fall back on. The legal aspect of medical marijuana and/or marijuana should still be a huge industry in many States. There are some forums on the Internet and begin learning how to research (please always check sources ).
I hate to beak it to you my young 4 M’er (4H) would be farmer. By the time you get there corporate America will have taken over.
Check out the guy’s at Marijuana BootCamp