How do I influence people to vote “YES” on Prop 19 when I’m a minor? (California Only)?

Proposition 19, in California, is the legalization of Marijuana use for people over the age of 21. There are many other regulations, which I don’t have time to put in this question, but I’m one of those people that go to the Marijuana legalization rallies, and so therefore I want to influence people to vote “YES” on Prop 19, even though I am a mere minor. I have a ton of reasons for voting “YES”, such as that marijuana does less damage to your brain than alcohol, and there are many other reasons for me to vote yes.
All in all, how do I influence adults to vote “YES”?
You can’t
Smoke bud
It all depends on how you present yourself to the voter….. don’t force the issue on people or you will get nowhere… and drive people away….
I would say it is a little late but contact the Yes on 19 committee and ask them how you can help.
If you are talking about a smaller scale just tell the adults you know that kids smoke marijuana and it is safer than drinking. Tell them if prop 19 passes there will be more regulations so it will be less likely that the there will be bad or unsafe marijuana. Tell them it will be safer because young people will no longer have to deal with criminals to buy it. Tell them it will taxed so more revenue will be brought in for the State.
Join the youth contingent of the political party or representative promoting the bill. This gives you party authority to promote the legislation. You promote it not as you but as a representative of the group at large. This is how the political process works.
Make a funny YouTube Video about it. That’s my 3 cents:
MARY JUANA ~ YES ON PROP 19! (Check out this Funny “Muppet” Video)