How do I convince my parents too sign off on a medical marijuana card?
I am 14 And i have 1 of the following: Temporal or frontal lobe epilepsy, Anxiety disorder, Panic Disorder Now i have done quite a bit of research and Medical marijuana does help everyone of these “Disorders” Marijuana this helps me, I have hallucinations of: Sound, vision, and taste when im not on dope, i have never so freaked out. When i am on marijuana this all stops and i dont have any “seizures”/problems what should i do?
While the legal gap decreases with every state victory, there remains a prevalent misconception that marijuana is a... Read More »
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you should watch this movie with them.
It’s a good documentary about different problems about marijuana prohibition, but it’s partially about the medical values of marijuana… a lot of physicians and other medical expert talking about it in the documentary.
Try to find different studies about how it can help your disorders on the web, print them out and show your parents after watching this video.
The next step is to convince them to go to the doctor with you and discuss this issue (just to hear what the doc has to say) and you should then ask if you can try it for 2 months just for testing out how it works for you… and then you can get off it if it doesn’t work, or stay if it gives good results.
That is the way I would do it.
First you need to convince a doctor to recommend it, than it will be easier to get your parents approval. If it’s legal in you state. Medical marijuana is legal in only 14 states.
First you need to me in an MMJ State.
Then show all your research to your parents and discuss it.
You will need a Dr. to sign a recommendation.
This is a really tough one. The truth is though that most parents really REALLY LOVE their kids and want to protect them. With years of Reefer Madness to break through – evidence in hand this can still be an uphill battle.
It was hard for me to convince myself how it helped me and to use at all times of the day and I am sick and in pain….if it was hard for me to get it how can we ask others to understand.
The real convincing them will be in demonstrating (with say a journal) how it works for you and what symptoms it subdues. Maybe try a period both with and without so you can compare your health or seizure frequency.
This book and a good Dr will help to move your parents into a better place of understanding. They will want you to be healthy, they just need to know that will be the outcome.
Are you in Canada? Ontario? If you are, I am a patient advocate and would willingly talk to your parents about how it changed my life and how it has kept alive a dear friend with a rare form of epilepsy who cannot take any of the conventional medications to treat her disease. I also know a Dr that would talk to your parents to help them to understand what you are going through. Let me know if I can help in any way.
Lastly, look for some support, comfort, advice and friends here: