How come13yo Mexican boy trying to smuggling marijuana illegally into America gets caught but no legal action?

DOUGLAS, Ariz. – U.S. Customs and Border Patrol have caught a 13-year-old Mexican boy trying to smuggling marijuana across the Douglas port of entry.
CBP officers say the boy was wearing loose clothing and had the marijuana taped to his leg.
The boy was identified as a resident of Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico.
The marijuana weighed about 1 pound and had an estimated street value of over $1,700.
The marijuana was seized and the boy was returned to the custody of his mother.
How come13yo Mexican boy trying to smuggling marijuana illegally into America gets caught but no legal action for his crime, are smugglers now using teens who are above America laws and get send home to mama ?
Smuggling marijuana illegally?
What, is there a legal way to do it?
because we all want to sit back and watch a fading nation crawl
Most likely because they are illegal minors which i think would be like a double whammy for immunity but idk
May I see a link to back up your claim.
Aren’t all of the illegals above the law? They are all in violation of American laws yet nothing at all gets done. Why does this surprise people anymore?
Well maye laws are different in Arizon than were you live.
And, WOW marijuanna is really expensive who would pay 1,700 for a pound of drugs?????
I know someone wo used to grow it and would never sell it for that price!
BTW: i don’t smoe im striaght edge xxx
First of all one pound Mexican marijuana is worth a lot less than 1700 on the streets. I can get a pound of Mexican weed for 600.00 and thats the norm here in Oakland and if it’s worth 1700 their better b some coke sprinkled all over it.
Second of all he was doing America a favor by supplying us of our needs so why punish him
the crime he did was very very very small….do you want our border agents taking up countless hours and spending thousands on something so small? while child traffickers and terrorist come and in out of our borders freely?
He got deported, that’s legal action. What else would they get out of him, the family is probably poor and can’t afford court costs.
It is likely that he was too young to charge as an adult, and federally, so rather than charge him locally as a juvenile, they ordered him removed (or turned him around at the border) to save time and money.
He was a minor, so there wasn’t much they could do to him.
seems the Mexican government could have made him a poster child and put him in jail with there ruthless pedophiles ,but no ,they give him back to his mamasita. do you really think anything else would happen to the nino.? just another mexican citizen doing what that corrupt government wants and thats to destroy the united states.
he’s a minor, he was deported to Mexico. Why is ur english so bad?
Situation normal! It is estimated that there are well over a half million cases of smuggling across the Arizona-Mexican border each year! Virtually all the time they just return them to Mexico to try again. We simply don’t have enough jails to house even a fraction of these low life scum bags! Of course obama and company do nothing!
But they are only coming here for a better life and bring drugs with them! Is this what the pro-illegal, immoral, criminal invasion group are talking about a better life? A better life through drugs?