How come13yo Mexican boy trying to smuggling marijuana illegally into America gets caught but no legal action?

How come13yo Mexican boy trying to smuggling marijuana illegally into America gets caught but no legal action?

DOUGLAS, Ariz. – U.S. Customs and Border Patrol have caught a 13-year-old Mexican boy trying to smuggling marijuana across the Douglas port of entry.

CBP officers say the boy was wearing loose clothing and had the marijuana taped to his leg.

The boy was identified as a resident of Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico.

The marijuana weighed about 1 pound and had an estimated street value of over $1,700.

The marijuana was seized and the boy was returned to the custody of his mother.
How come13yo Mexican boy trying to smuggling marijuana illegally into America gets caught but no legal action for his crime, are smugglers now using teens who are above America laws and get send home to mama ?

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