How come Main voted in medicinal marijuana but not marriage between two consenting adults?

I hear how gay marriage will lead to people wanting to marry ducks or men wanting to have 12 brides. Why don’t these same people use slippery slope logic for pot? You know, like doing pot is a gateway drug! Soon you’ll be curled up in a dark ally doing sexual favors to help support your coke habit.
Same kind of backwards logic.
There’s going to a lot of people headed for Maine to sell cocaine now!
You say that this logic is flawed. So why use it?
One subject has to do with drugs and the other has to do with creating a new religion that includes gay marriage.
two totally different subjects….
I am all for medicinal marijuana.
Atheist who does not smoke, drink or use drugs.
Those opposed to same-sex marriage used their usual tools, fear and ignorance, to persuade people to vote against equality. Those are the only real tools in their arsenal, but they are effective.
Gay people arent ment to be. Thats why women have vaginas and men have penises. Those two thing were ment to be!!!!!! Toke on 420 all day.
I’m just going to give you an honest answer. And I’m not answering for myself. I’m trying to make clear why it was voted against by the majority in the state of Maine.
It’s seen as disgusting, totally against human nature. Forget the Christians and other religions who know it as sin. (not disregarding them) but I don’t feel that the majority of Maine is the conservative Christian. People in general do not agree with it.
Just look at your body. And look at a woman. Gay doesn’t make sense. It simply doesn’t. It’s unnatural. And when people become intimate, it is a perversion on the highest level.
It’s not just two guys who like each other. It’s two guys who are intimate with each other. This is a unity on a higher level than all other forms. And because its so intense, it makes the disgust all the more disgusting.
It’s dumb isn’t it?
The Church should be allowed to refuse gay marriage if they really don’t believe in it. But they don’t have a say in CIVIL marriages, so why should they have a say in gay ones?
The church’s views should not dictate secular marriage!
I understand what you are saying. BUT, first of all, pot is not always a gateway drug. I know many people who smoke pot and have never even thought about coke or any other drug for that matter. Marijuana actually helps with some diseases. And the reason for people voting this over gay marraige? Many people are against gay marraige, which I do think is wrong, but people in favor of the medical marijuana simply outnumber the ones who accept gay marraige. Now as for wanting to marry ducks? Thats just ridiculous and I think it is very fair that pot gets outvoted on stuff like that.
not agree with that