How can you help a person to stop smoking marihuana?

I know someone who i really care alot cuz we had been friends since a long time ago already. That person admited me that smokes marihuana, but not all the time [like in a month, only 2-3 times]. Also, my friend explained me that it smokes it when feels super stressed about things. When i asked what kind of things to feel stress about, that person answered me things that i wouldn’t consider as important or at least to get crazy about. I would like to really help this person before it goes any further…
How can i help on this???
How things can get in case that person don’t get any treatment any time soon???
talk to this person about it and if the person doesn’t change if you know where the drugs are take them and hide them from the person and find them some help.
You can help him/her by introducing new things to the person like a hobby or something really fun like going to gym or going to sport events. Or both of you can tour around, maybe visit some other country. I would suggest that he/she should seek consult to a doctor preferrably a psychiatrist so that he/she can open up his/her problems and so that an interventional plan can be designed for him to stop his smoking. Always remind the person the negative effects of using marijuana. Good luck!
if someone only smokes it 2 or 3 times a month then i dont think they have a serious problem and could quit pretty easily. i smoked everyday for 9 years and quit cold turkey with NO PROBLEM. also i think if the only problem like this your friend has is smoking a joint every couple weeks, theyre doin pretty good. there are so many things that are worse. tell your friend youve always got an ear and a shoulder when theyre stressed. good luck
About the only thing you can do is talk to this person honestly about your feelings for them and your concerns. Don’t preach. Assuming this person is of reasonable intelligence, they already know all the reasons they shouldn’t be smoking pot. Cigarette smokers are the same. After talking honestly and offering your help and support, about all you can do is back off. Hammering away at your friend will only make him resentful and angry.
You might be surprised to realize quite a few smoke marijuana a few times a month and are just fine….it is better than drinking every day! Anyway I do not see this being a problem for an adult maybe for a young teenager. I am 30 and I am surprised to see how many people who are in very respectable careers smoke pot on the weekends! I wouldn’t worry so much about this become worried whe they are getting wasted every night and not taking care of there responsibilities.
Have you seen any evidence that he or she have drugs in their place of residence or seen any drug paraphernalia in the possession like a bong. Call the cops on that person. Although, if you know this person’s family, you should tell them first. This is why they have the death penalty in all of Asia for just drug posession depending on the amount. It affects all of the family and friends.
Yes– only a few times a month is really nothing to worry about. My lawyer, and doctor both smoke pot regularly and they are very productive, happy, and healthy people!
Dont stress over it…it is only pot. Not crack.
if they want to quit, let them sit in front of a mirror and self hypnotize, saying, I am who I am, there is no other, about 10 times, then tune out of the physical, into the mental, knowing that the full and future desire for all drugs are freed from the mind.I quit both cigarettes and wed this way.
Marijuana is not physically addicting–but one can become mentally/emotionally dependent on it. You can’t get your friend to stop–he or she must want to stop for themselves (stopping for others does not work).
Everybody handles their stress in different ways. Some smoke cigarettes, some take pills, some have a few drinks every night after work, etc. Some, though, have learned to deal with stress in more constructive ways, such as through meditation and exercise. You might want to check out some books/tapes on meditation and exercise–as well as on stress–from the library. They might help you, if not your friend. It would be great if your friend would do the meditation and exercises with you–tell him or her that it is for you, and maybe he or she will.
Just tell him about the things he can do if he doesnt smoke it. Tell him how bad it is for you. If you google it, it shows a ton of ways it can harm you. And if he gets caught, he could end up in jail.
sounds like they need an anti anxiety med
if it is only that often nothing to worry about – have a very normal
friend who smokes to help go sleep
have also had neurotic friends whose whole lives socially
revolve around the drug and had a boyfriend who couldn’t do
anything without a smoke – and he ended up crazy
unless you see a deterioation in their mental health – its their
business and probably not harming them but calming him down.
only worry if they get paranoid or unable to function without it
and calm down yourself.
ps don’t touch the stuff myself
Tell them how you feel about it. But realise that its their life, and many people choose to smoke pot. You should in fact be happy that its just pot, and that its not regular. 2-3 times a month is nothing, there are people who buy a forty sack a day.
While you might not cosider the things he gets stressed about important, he does, and I’d like to point out that there are people who don’t think your friend smoking pot occasionaly isn’t worth getting stressed about..